That's true, and you'll find out son enough if that holds true or not...the internet, does strange things, especially auctions and their sites, and far too much of it is "corrupt" ( shill bidding etc.) but does this make them ALL "that value"?? I do NOT think so, look at the RENE price guide, aside from a few 'special or rare guns', the VAST majority I would LOVE to get anywhere NEAR those prices for any of them that I try and sell at the gun shows. We have found over the years that at an auction, wether local or on line, the first item may get the BIG bucks, draws interest and then folks see what one has sold for and then the market becomes 'flooded' and the next ones do NOT draw those kid of prices, yes,maybe in this case, it woild be nice to "see' ( if its true and not any shill bidding or a buddy drives up the price, and the gun swaps hands "locally" over and over) and the value does go up........the gun is no longer made, they SHOULD go up in value, on the down side, they are NO longer supported ( parts or service) by the factory, so the folks who use them, shoot, them , are "on their own for repairs/service, and so may NOT 'invest'" or spend those kind of I said , I still see them in the price range I noted above, and no , I am NOT going to run out and buy any of them for "speculation" , as I said, I not long ago sold off three of them , two were in fact "matching", and we had to split that pair up just to move them......just MY .02 cents, so good luck,, go for it, as 'street' said you price it wherever, and you can always,( if NEED to) lower it.....
good stuff , sells itself we have always found, I just like to price it where it is a "win-win" for ALL parties concerned, always, have and always will......... :wink: