Crystal Ball Time - 10/22 50th Anniversary

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Jan 4, 2004
Rugerville, AZ
OK, might as well start now.
2014 marks the 50th year of 10/22 production. Sadly it's parent - the 44 Carbine - is long out of production and Ruger couldn't build another if they wanted to. But the "benchmark for all self-feeding 22 rifles" should get a special model for it's golden anniversary, right?

Now I really would be embarrassed if all they did was stick another $3.00 cast medallion into a birch carbine stock **yawn** ala the 40th Anniversary afterthought model.

I would encourage, and will "tell the CEO" loudly, a checkered walnut version with a 20" tapered barrel. Receiver engraved tastefully denoting 50 years/Made in the USA. Metallic buttplate. Good metallic sights.
God knows we have enough plastic krrapp already.

This could get lengthy in a "wish list mode", but for a production, plenty available all-year type anniversary run, what say ye?

I'd like to see a finger groove sporter, like my '66, but in stainless.

I would agree that the 40th anniversary model was a bit of a disappointment. For the 50th, I would hope that Ruger would do a nice walnut stocked version that is a close to the original 64 model as possible.
Well the original "finger-groove" stock is about the only feature that hasn't been done by the "distributor exclusives" genre.
I'm in! Shall we include another production run of (included) clear-plastic 10-round mags also?
I'd be in on a stainless walnut fingergroove with a clear mag. And use a tighter chamber reamer so it shoots a group, not a pattern. My '76 Liberty DSP shoots honest 1/2" groups @ 50 yards with decent ammo so it's not like it can't be done. :wink:
Any of the above sound great but what about making a special limited run (after all 50 years should be special) without any plastic guts. Good gravy man, if you want to make it special at least make it out of metal. Pretty sure some of us would be willing to pay the extra.
I'd be tickled stupid if that for their 50th limited they would just stuff their poly trigger housing with a Kidd kit. The LVT barrel with a decent chamber riding in checkered walnut would be icing on the cake, and save me the trouble.
For the OP, maybe someone can confirm this for me, but I am pretty sure Tom Gresham mentioned on his radio show that Ruger has not ruled out making the 44 Carbine again. I think it was last week he said that, but maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part.
Problem with commemorative models of this sort is unless the price point s right, it'll get little demand. Add a bunch of engraving, and special features and the price starts going up. Along with that is that a LOT of people that play the "I'd like a _______." won't buy one were they actually offered.

I don't see anything overly ornate but I can see something to give the longevity some recognition.
I hope they do something along the lines of what they did with the 50th anniversary blackhawks. Very close to the original model, walnut stock, polished blue barrel, annodized receiver and metal butt plate. They can keep the new trigger group and mag release in it though, I am one of th few that thinks that it was an improvement.
They could make it the most beautiful 10/22 , cut the price in 1/2 and ppl will still whine and cry about the polymer. :roll eyes:
How abut something simple, it is the 50th Year of the 10/22 after all.
A 10/22 in the same configuration as the 1st models, stocked in good walnut, with a simple barrel inscription denoting 50 Years?

If you want special features in a 10/22 you can build your own and the options are endless, just ask Dave :wink:
I would like to see it as close to the original ones as possible. JM.02
T.A. WORKMAN said:
How abut something simple, it is the 50th Year of the 10/22 after all.
A 10/22 in the same configuration as the 1st models, stocked in good walnut, with a simple barrel inscription denoting 50 Years?

If you want special features in a 10/22 you can build your own and the options are endless, just ask Dave :wink:
I would like to see it as close to the original ones as possible. JM.02

I like this idea. What better homage than a return to the original?

coincidentally, I spotted a 40th anniversary model in a pawn shop last week. Good condition, $329.
Now that Ruger has "announced" that they are not ready and even at this date don't have a plan for what to produce (ala the customized contest), I'm beginning to lose faith in the design team. I'm afraid they're stuck with plastic molding-itis... :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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