CRF feeding problems and solutions.

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May 18, 2009
SouthEast Texas
I have a Ruger Hawkeye chambered in 338Federal. The rifle appears to function properly as a true CRF, however, the action is a little rough and balky particularly when worked slowly. What can be done to smooth the action?

David, I have known people that use polishing compound, emery paper and even toothpaste on their raceways to slick them up, but I believe I have a better suggestion. Put up 4 dummy rounds at maximum OAL for a Federal. While watching tonight's football game, continue to cycle the rounds through the rifle, and I'll bet by the third quarter you will notice a difference. The problem with the compounds is that you stand the risk of getting it behind the lugs and possibly creating a head space issue by lapping them. A lot of folks use various polishing compounds without any issues, but if the rifle is already barreled, I won't use them. CP.
When they are new they will be stiff, just running the action, a light oil like Rem Oil, and a absorbent towel and as CP says, they will smooth up in no time.
Ditto. I don't even bother with the dummy rounds (though that sounds like a good idea) and sit in front of the TV at night with some Kroil and a rag, re-oiling the bolt & raceways every 50 cycles or so. You'd be amazed how quickly these Rugers slick up when you do that.
The design was not meant for it to be worked slowly.

I have several with many rounds through them and my Dad always did the sit in front of the T.V. deal and work all his actions.

Even it smooths out some and it will -working a mauser type action slowly usually does not produce the best results. It is made to quickly and reliable feed a round into that chamber and prepare for the next shot.

Think charging Big Game at ya.

I always feed them confidently into the chamber.

Good shooting -Steve