kenneth, With all due respect to enigma, I would proceed with extreme caution in trying to "spread" a hairline crack! I have seen the results of too many of my customers over the years doing just that and inevitably making thigs "worse"! Hairline cracks are just that, "hairline" with very little separation or "room" to make separation safely. "IF" you know the "depth" of the crack, then another method is to drill a small hole (transversely) through the "middle of the crack depth and install an epoxy coated stock repair pin (Brownell's # 080-565-125AC 1/8" pin). If you "do not" know the depth of the crack, then the screw just becomes another "fulcrum" point to spread the crack in several directions under the surface! I have repaired countless numbers of stocks in 43 years of gunsmithing and believe me, these repair jobs can go "south" in a hurry unless you absolutely know what you are doing!...........................Dick :idea: