Converting an SP101 from DAO to a standard hammer

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Sep 18, 2009
So. Cal
How hard is it to convert a spurless hammer DAO SP101 to a normal hammer, capable of cocking for single action shots.

Do you just change out the hammer, or is much more complex than that.
There's more than just the hammer, but I will have to let the pros' chime in with the details... a DAO hammer can not lock with out parts.


I was apparently wrong! :oops:
Just swap out the hammer. thats all there is to it. The hammer is a fitted part though so if you find one it may or may not work perfectly. The hammer is the only part that is different. The full cock notch is just ground off basically as well as the ear of the hammer of course.
I wouldbe wary of the sear engagement after changing the hammer. It takes someone who really knows about these matters to make the switch.

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