Compare Ruger Remington Winchester

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Sep 17, 2008
Lubbock Texas

What do any of you think as to which rifle is really better if any? Remington Model 700 Ruger M77 Winchester Model 70? I am talking about current models like the Hawkeye new 70 new 700. I read a lot of the hype and was wondering if anyone of these is truly heads and shoulders above the rest. I know the mags and forums say Winsheter or Remington by far but wanted other input. My Ruger and my CZ are both fine rifles just curious what others thought here.
Too close to be anything other than a matter of personal poreference.

I will say that it's sort of like working on a small block Chevy to work on a 700 Remington. It won't do anything a small block Chrysler or Ford won't do, however there are about a zillion aftermarket parts, fixes and tweaks available for the Chevy when compaired to the others.

Same holds true for the Remington versus nearly anything else. Seems that EVERY machinist and after market extra is available for a Remington 700 in all of it's variants.

That changes dramatically when you go looking for custom parts for a Ruger. Far far fewer things available and those that do exist cost apprecably more.

I own at least 2 or 3 rifles from nearly every Manufacturer that was considered in the same sentence as the 700 over the years. Are any BETTER?? Nope. That being said I own more Ruger #1s than anything else and as far as bolt guns go, far more Ruger 77s than everything else combined.

I just bought a Hawkeye this past summer. Prior to buying the Ruger, I fondled both the Remington 700 and the Winchester 70 (along with several other brands such as Browning, Tikka, Thompson, etc.). When it came down to the final selection, I just liked the feel and handling of the Ruger better. It fit me better. I liked the action better. It shoots great. Now if I could have found a full stock CZ in .308Win, I probably would have bought that instead. I like the CZ's - I have a 452 Trainer in 22LR that I do a lot of shooting with. I would say that in my opinion, the models you mentioned are about equal so it comes down to what feels good in your hands.
If I dismiss my Ruger bias, and based on offerings in the last 30 years, I would go in this order 700, 77, 70. This is solely based on MY experience. But here again, the difference is not significant. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with any of the 3. My 2 cents.

I agree with picketpin, but it goes somewhat further than that for me.

JMO, but some company's model whatever do better than another's "model whatever", when taken in combination with a particular chambering.


Ruger has the only non-custom shop full-stock offering (RSI) from the three mentioned brands, and much nicer than the CZ full stock ( I've owned both).

Remington's small cartridges (.223/etc) seem a better choice than the other brands.

Winchester's Safari models seem better suited, and less costly that the Ruger Magnum - although the CZ American Safari .375H&H have it a very good run for the money, since it was appreciably cheaper, and readily available.

So, for me, it's a matter of picking/choosing each rifle to fit a niche.

I agree that they will all get the job done well but three things give the Ruger M77 the nod to me. 1) Classic looks, 2) integral scope mounts and 3) Angled receiver ring mounting screw.
I shoot a 35 year old M77, and have to admit it's done the job just fine for all those years. However - if I was going to buy a new bolt action rifle, I'd go straight to a Savage and never look back.
I am a huge fan of the Rem 700 and right now it is the only bolt gun (centerfire) that I own. In the past I have owned a number of Ruger 77s (7mm Rem Mag, 25-06, and 257 Roberts) but my Rem 700s tend to be more accurate and I can replace stocks, triggers, scope mounts, etc with ease as there are thousands of good options.

My only experience with a Winchester M70 was with a 30/06 that shot really poor and I never gave them another try. So, I stick with rem 700s myself and they are better then I am and I am not that bad of a shot :wink:

Rem 700 LTR Clone in 300 Whisper
Rem 700 BDL 243
Rem 700 PSS/DM Converted to 243 (26-inch Douglass barrel)
Rem 700 BDL 308
Rem 700 PSS in 308
Rem 700 ADL in 270 (always planned to convert to BDL but she shoots good the way she is)

I sold all my Ruger 77s when I went into college and when I started buying again I just stuck to big green.
I like Pre 64 Win 70s, the new ones are an embarrassment to the company.

I have several Ruger M77s and M77MKIIs, all of which are great shooters and I would not have them if they weren't 100% reliable and accurate. I have several Rem 700s, the 710,715,770s are an embarrassment as well. I like the Remingtons, my .204 and .25/06 especially. I like the Remington trigger.

Again, its a matter of personal preference, they will all shoot. I guess I'm a Ruger snob.
picketpin":wk790mzi said:
Too close to be anything other than a matter of personal preference.

I agree. I have a 1969 700BDLV, but I also have a 77/22V.
I have a Ruger 77 in 308 that shoots on hole at 100 yards. I also have a Browning A-bolt in 280 that will one hole at the same distance. My tact-team sniper uses a Remington 700 308. Pretty much is depends on the gun and set-up. Barry
mattsbox99 said:
I like Pre 64 Win 70s, the new ones are an embarrassment to the company. ...

Which new ones? USRAC, FNH, or both? They are very different, and there are different eras in the USRAC rifles, some more embarrassing than others, perhaps.
I think that Picketpin pretty much nails it in his post. Having said that I have always ended up with a remington 700 as my #1 rifle and my 270 mtn rifle is no exception. Why? maybe it is pretty much a matter of availability I will say that I do not care for the new 700's with the locks protruding out the side of the bolt nor do I care for the new hawkeye finish. If I was to get another Ruger bolt it would be an older tang safety 77 as is my rsi. I do like my stevens 200 308 very much and feel it is the value leader in sporting rifles available today. It has a lot going for it from the tang safety to a smooth bolt etc but savages are not the beauty queens of the school more like the smart girl next door.I have had a couple model 70 featherweights that were very nice as well as an older vanguard that was probably the best shooting rifle I ever owned. Probably you should just pick out what appeals to you and not worry about it as all will outlast you if you take care of htem.
I use all three and trust certain specimens in any of them. However, one brand has caused me some concern when the usually slick bolt became really difficult to operate after a week along the Yukon River. A similar rifle's bolt handle peeled off in my hand as I dropped that handle with the trigger pulled. (Glad the magazine box had a latch so it was easy to dump the ammo.) Another rifle, a 375 H&H has given me two broken magazine springs; not reassuring. By contrast, the third brand: Ruger, may not be quite as reliably easy to find highly precise loads for, but I've never had trouble find very productive hunting loads with them either. I'd say the present Rugers have an edge as hunting rifles go over the other two. I certainly trust them more in the part of the world where I live.
I have an older Remington 700, and it is a very nice, accurate rifle. So when I went looking for a varmint rifle recently, the first gun I looked at was a 700, what a disappointment! All of the wood stocked guns looked as if they had been roughed out with a file, then dipped in some lumpy shelllac, not to mention that funky bolt lock, and metal finish. Couldn't find a Ruger set up I liked, and the price and unknown quality of the new model 70's turned me off too. So I bought a Savage, and couldn't be happier.
Years ago I had a slew of Rugers - mostly Liberty guns. As time went by I gravitated to Green. Now, almost my entire arsenal is Green, with the exception of a recently acquired Hawkeye 338 RCM, and a Win (SC) 300 WSM Super Grade. All of my customs are built on Remington actions.

My one regret in buying the 338RCM is that I did not get the wood version. IMHO, the 'tupperware' stock that comes on the Syn/SS version is deplorable, and I haven't the fund right now to either add an Accurate Innovations wood stock, or a McMillan compoisite.
I particularily like the older Remingtons, especially the 600's and 788's... Those I will never part with. Nowadays, I just don't see the advantage of newer Remingtons with the prices they are asking. Needless to say, my last two rifles have been Rugers.
WOW !! its nice to see so many positive post for the Ruger. I will be honest they all make some great guns, I just choose the Ruger to be my niche. My uncle collected Brownings and man does he have some nice ones so I wanted to collect something different than him. I played around with them all and settled in on the Ruger, I fell in love with the feel and the way the very first one I owned shot. I still own a few Winchesters, Remingtons and even 1 CZ but I own 12 Rugers, nuff said.

Shoot what you like and like what you shoot, and nothing else matters. nothing !!
