What do any of you think as to which rifle is really better if any? Remington Model 700 Ruger M77 Winchester Model 70? I am talking about current models like the Hawkeye new 70 new 700. I read a lot of the hype and was wondering if anyone of these is truly heads and shoulders above the rest. I know the mags and forums say Winsheter or Remington by far but wanted other input. My Ruger and my CZ are both fine rifles just curious what others thought here.
What do any of you think as to which rifle is really better if any? Remington Model 700 Ruger M77 Winchester Model 70? I am talking about current models like the Hawkeye new 70 new 700. I read a lot of the hype and was wondering if anyone of these is truly heads and shoulders above the rest. I know the mags and forums say Winsheter or Remington by far but wanted other input. My Ruger and my CZ are both fine rifles just curious what others thought here.