Companion for my Ruger LC45 Carbine

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Nov 23, 2013
Monroe County, MS
I like to have a companion handgun for each of my pistol caliber long guns. Since the LC uses Glock21 magazines that meant buying a Glock 21 Gen5 MOS and a Holosun SCS reflex sight for it. The pistol at my lgs. Still need to find a holster tho, and the SCS is on the way from MIdway. Bought both yesterday. :)

The Gen5 has several improvements over the earlier Gens, including a better trigger, flared magwell, hybrid hex/button rifling, no finger grooves, etc. Haven't shot it yet, waiting on the sight.

I hate to be one of those, but I am.... what I don't get with Glocks is this 'generations' thing... you would think by the 2nd or 3rd they would have finally gotten 'it' right.

I do like the ideal of a rifle pistol combo in the same caliber with the same mags and have also fallen down that hole and even with Glocks because these pistol caliber rifle makers seem to have drank the Glock kool-aid too. Mine is a TNW one.... actually two, one a rifle and the other technically a pistol... in either 9mm or 357 sig... soon to be with just a barrel change, which takes about 8 seconds.
I hate to be one of those, but I am.... what I don't get with Glocks is this 'generations' thing... you would think by the 2nd or 3rd they would have finally gotten 'it' right.

I do like the ideal of a rifle pistol combo in the same caliber with the same mags and have also fallen down that hole and even with Glocks because these pistol caliber rifle makers seem to have drank the Glock kool-aid too. Mine is a TNW one.... actually two, one a rifle and the other technically a pistol... in either 9mm or 357 sig... soon to be with just a barrel change, which takes about 8 seconds.

That's just Glocks planned marketing approach for "New and Improved" whatever. Same as laundry detergents, breakfast cereal, software updates, commercial aircraft, and every other consumer product. :LOL:

I had to google TNW. Never heard of the company. How do you like their stuff?
I had a little problem with the pistol I bought from them not cycling in 357 sig .. but seem to have fixed it with extra oil... I'm wondering if it has to do with the bolt spring tension on these... the bolt action is just like an AR with that long spring on the back in a tube and it seems that could have been the problem. What I was alluding to with the caliber option is they have come out with a new bolt that will work with 9mm, 40, 357 and 10mm ... before if you wanted to change calibers you not only had to change the barrel... very simple to do but also the bolt. Changing out the bolt takes about 10 minutes... I've ordered the 'universal' bolt for both of my guns and it will be interesting to see how they work.

I probably got carried away but for both of the guns I bought from them... the rifle and pistol I have both long barrels and short in both 9mm and 357sig and all with the shrouds on them.

For those interested here is what the 'pistol' looks like:

IMG_8048 (1).jpeg

The rifle is the same with just an adjustable rear stock and longer barrel. You have to add the barrel shroud and the one disadvantage is they don't come with any sights... you have to add what you want to the top rail. There is no difference in the receivers and I once asked the folks at TNW if there was ever a question, from 'de guberment' about the pistol how would I prove it was a pistol and they could only figure that out by looking at the transfer paper at my FFL or I guess with them.
I had a little problem with the pistol I bought from them not cycling in 357 sig .. but seem to have fixed it with extra oil... I'm wondering if it has to do with the bolt spring tension on theses... the bolt action is just like an AR with that long spring on the back in a tube and it seems that could have been the problem. What I was alluding to with the caliber option is they have come out with a new bolt that will work with 9mm, 40, 357 and 10mm ... before if you wanted to change calibers you not only had to change the barrel... very simple to do but also the bolt. Changing out the bolt takes about 10 minutes... I've ordered the 'universal' bolt for both of my guns and it will be interesting to see how they work.

I probably got carries away but for both of the guns I bought from them... the rifle and pistol I have both long barrels and short in both 9mm and 357sig.

For those interested here is what the 'pistol' looks like:

View attachment 60018

The rifle is the same with just an adjustable rear stock and longer barrel. You have to add the barrel shroud and the one disadvantage is they don't come with any sights... you have to add what you want to the top rail.

Sights: Not having factory irons is becoming commonplace on many modern guns, and even those that provide them are generally junk sights anyway. I automatically assume that I'll have to buy better sights of some kind for any rifle or pistol, with few exceptions, so I factor that in to the price of the gun.
@GunnyGene I went with the 41 for my companion.

View attachment 60019

It had some features over the 21 that I liked a lot so. Still the same mags, including the 26 round mags I bought.
That, and the G30 I also considered. Neither have the Gen5 improvements tho, and I got a really good deal on the G21 at my LGS Blue Label counter. About a $139 discount from usual retail elsewhere. :)
It's nice to have companion guns using the same caliber. Been done for many, many decades. In the early years,, it was done to help sales due to economics. Ammo availability.

Modern times,, with the popularity of Glocks, there is an ABUNDANCE of accessories, aftermarket upgrades, and inexpensive magazines. Having a Ruger carbine,, that accepts Glock mags allows for versatility in choices, AND capacity. Good marketing strategy.

As for the "Gen" thing with Glocks,, I get to see a lot of Glock shooters in USPSA. It's just their name for the upgrades,, usually suggested after a lot of shooters either complain about something,, or they find a better way to do something. (Ruger Blackhawk, New Model Blackhawk, or S&W 2.0 etc.)

I'll be the first one to say that most Glocks just do not fit my hands. Nothing wrong with the guns,, but they just don't fit ME,, so I don't own any. BUT,, I do own a Ruger PCC 9mm. And I installed the Glock magazine adapter to be able to use the higher capacity Glock magazines in USPSA competition. (I have to store my Glock mags in a locked box away from my Ruger magazines. I didn't and my Ruger magazines beat up the Glock ones.) :D
I hate to be one of those, but I am.... what I don't get with Glocks is this 'generations' thing... you would think by the 2nd or 3rd they would have finally gotten 'it' right.

I do like the ideal of a rifle pistol combo in the same caliber with the same mags and have also fallen down that hole and even with Glocks because these pistol caliber rifle makers seem to have drank the Glock kool-aid too. Mine is a TNW one.... actually two, one a rifle and the other technically a pistol... in either 9mm or 357 sig... soon to be with just a barrel change, which takes about 8 seconds.
You have to think that any other of your favorite brands hasn't gone through changes in their designs, whether the operating mechanics or cosmetic. They responded to customer suggestions, concerns just like every other manufacturer. S&W uses dash numbers.
Bill Maher says he owns a gun but he's a reluctant gun owner. You're a reluctant Glock owner. 🤯

My PCCs are Kel Tec Sub 2000s one in 9mm & the other in .40. Both for GLOCK mags. Ooooh! 😉
Also a Ruger .44 Carbine & .44 Deerfield to go with my RedHawks'.
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I've pretty much run out of guns I think I might want but this discussion did cause me to realize there is one I would love to have and that is an Auto Mag in 30 caliber Carbine.
One of our lost members brought one to the East Coast Ruger Gathering a few years ago and Contender shot it I have a you tube video of him doing this.
I would love to have one of these to go with my 1943 Carbine.
I'm NOT a Glock fan but I'd buy one simply because my AR9 'pistols' use Glock mags and I'd sort of like to have a threaded barrel 9mm handgun(or one with a cheap and easy barrel swap).
Ah yes,, the .30 Carbine AMT Hardballer. Over the years I've shot a few of them,, as well as the .22 versions. A buddy had a couple of the .22 mags,, and one was VERY accurate & good. He let that one go, (to another good friend of ours,) later got a second one, and that one was not nearly as accurate as his first one. He'd have them out often,, so I got used to playing with them.

Getting companion handguns for rifles is always enjoyable. I actually have a SR9 to go with my PCC-9. But the PCC has the Glock mag adapter in it. I'd have to get a Glock to make it a mated pair for field uses. Naaahhhhh! :D I'll just swap the magwell back if I need to go that route.

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