C'mon Ruger Get With The Program!

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Anthony Williams

Jan 23, 2003
:lol: Either crap or get off the pot! Ruger had one of the best .45 Semi-Autos ( The P-90 ) on the market and they've dropped it... duh? The P-345 is a great idea, but in the wrong caliber, should of/could of been, 9mm, 40S&W, or .357 Sig. If Ruger had their marketing brains located in a better part of their corporate anatomy they would have come out with their own version of the best selling handgun ever, the 1911. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "Ruger Hater." I feel Ruger makes the best single action revolvers on the market, and I love Ruger's centerfire bolt action rifles. But man o man, when it comes to building a centire semi auto handgun? PLEASE!

Anthony Williams
Hey Anthony !! Long time no hear !! I agree with every one of your points wholeheartedly, especially about the 1911. The SR9 has proven to be even worse than the P345 in terms of problems and issues, and TWO YEARS LATER, they still haven't resolved the CAUSE of the problem. What is UP with that ?

Why? Does the market need a SR-1911? What more can be done to the platform and design that someone else hasn't done?

Dan Wesson
Magnum Research
Para Ordinance
Les Baer
Auto Ordinance
Charles Daly
American Classic
High Standard
Rock Island
Wilson Combat

And many more...

What more can Ruger do? Don't get me wrong, I think it's a viable market to get into but it's gotta be done right the first time or it'll bite back. Lots more to putting out a new product that what most think. Although with such marketing experts, I gotta wonder why they aren't in that field and doing that themselves given the insight. :roll: ;)
BlkHawk73":bgvg9xxj said:
it's gotta be done right the first time or it'll bite back.

I agree, and to be honest, I don't know if Ruger is capable of doing that anymore unfortunately.

I just posted this over in the Revolvers section in reply to a similar post, but it's just as germane here:

Gee, how about someone develop a new gun that is both functional and nice to look at? Everything that has come out in the last ten years has been geared to the "Tactical Ted" types, with useless accessory rails and square "combat" trigger guards. Not everyone is a SEAL wannabe; Can we get some actual styling? How about a carry pistol that's not 1.5" or more wide? A large caliber weapon with the styling of a Sig P232? Something with a trigger reach that people born after 1900 might find useful? (Humans are generally bigger now than 100+ years ago.)

The market doesn't need another 1911 or Glock clone, so that is almost guaranteed to be the direction the corporate bean counters will go. Herd mentality, and all that.

-- Sam
Yosemite Sam":22tes3g9 said:
Gee, how about someone develop a new gun that is both functional and nice to look at? Everything that has come out in the last ten years has been geared to the "Tactical Ted" types, with useless accessory rails and square "combat" trigger guards. Not everyone is a SEAL wannabe; Can we get some actual styling? How about a carry pistol that's not 1.5" or more wide? A large caliber weapon with the styling of a Sig P232? Something with a trigger reach that people born after 1900 might find useful? (Humans are generally bigger now than 100+ years ago.)

-- Sam

Hmmmm.......my P345 is a large caliber handgun, less than 1.5" wide, with a round trigger guard and NO accessory rail. Sounds like just about the perfect carry gun, huh? :D
Yosemite Sam":2u32j8bj said:
I just posted this over in the Revolvers section in reply to a similar post, but it's just as germane here:

Gee, how about someone develop a new gun that is both functional and nice to look at? Everything that has come out in the last ten years has been geared to the "Tactical Ted" types, with useless accessory rails and square "combat" trigger guards. Not everyone is a SEAL wannabe; Can we get some actual styling? How about a carry pistol that's not 1.5" or more wide? A large caliber weapon with the styling of a Sig P232? Something with a trigger reach that people born after 1900 might find useful? (Humans are generally bigger now than 100+ years ago.)

The market doesn't need another 1911 or Glock clone, so that is almost guaranteed to be the direction the corporate bean counters will go. Herd mentality, and all that.

-- Sam

Your comment about accessory rails being useless perplexes me.
Bigboreshooter":1m7a0g32 said:
Hmmmm.......my P345 is a large caliber handgun, less than 1.5" wide, with a round trigger guard and NO accessory rail. Sounds like just about the perfect carry gun, huh? :D
I admit I find the P345 the most interesting semi that Ruger produces, and probably one of the nicer looking guns on the market currently. My needs are well met in that area already, otherwise I'd probably take a closer look. Still, I bet someone could produce a <1" wide gun if they really put their mind to it. Nice round contours so as not to poke your ribs, or stick out like a block, etc.

re: aWoods, that's me... Perplexing. ;)

I'll go back and hide in the revolver section now... :D

-- Sam
I just took a look at the 345 on the Ruger sight and I have to agree with Bigbore... it is a nice looking pistol, just like the P95... with that said I have to say that Yosemite Sam voiced my opinion perfectly.... all these gun makers are a heard that follow each other and it seems building shoe boxes is the way to go... he even mentioned what I consider the perfectly designed semi-auto pistol... the Sig 232. Actually other do kind of follow this design... Bersa makes a copy and I saw a pistol made in Argentena that was a pretty close copy too.

I also have to agree with the accessory rails being useless.. same for me, even though I see the 'marketing angle' to them.
OMG":178rmecd said:
810wmb":178rmecd said:
OMG":178rmecd said:
I love my SR9

When should I expect it to break

1600 rounds for me

your mileage may vary..hang tough!

Yours broke at 1600 rounds?

What happend to it?

the usual peening..ruger replaced the barrel, fast turn around, etc...but i lost confidence in the gun

edit - i loved mine too - i like my cz better
:wink: Good to see your still around my friend. I can see in my absence Ruger has stayed their usual dismall course. I liked Yosmite Sam's input in this thread as I did your's. Another person made the comment in this thread, what can Ruger do to improve the 1911 by producing a replica? In a technical sense, "NOTHING." But they can be competitive price wise. The 1911 aside, Ruger has dropped the ball with their paltry showings in the semiauto market. At least in my opinion. Take any of it's current line up and compare it to a CZ 75 and the CZ stands heads and shoulders above anything Ruger has produced. You just have to ask WHY? One can only speculate as to why? Or better yet why should such mediocrity be allowed to exist within a corporation? No, again I say that I'm not a "Ruger Hater." They make damn nice rifles and revolvers.
Anthony, have you seen anybody in scuba gear going after your P85 sitting at the bottom of a lake yet? :lol:

I have an SR9 and I like it, I have seen some real issues reported on this forum concerning it, the peening issue is the one that bothers me.

I'm not talking about the barrel or the ears getting shiny spots on them from cycling, that will happen with any gun.
I'm talking about metal damage, peeling and gouging, these point to a design issue and I'm surprised that this has not been corrected as of yet.

My SR9 has been a good gun and I have shot mine as much if not more than anyone. Is it the best pistol that I own? Not even close but I would like it if everyone's was at least as good as mine.
Hi Anthony,

Not sure if you've been following some of the 1911 threads, but what I said Ruger should do is create an above average in accuracy 1911, with just a FEW very functional mods, and priced at $500 street. Don't do all the doo-dads that the boutiques do or the higher end factory guns. Just a good, solid, but ABOVE AVERAGE IN ACCURACY 1911. That would sell like hotcakes, not only to Ruger afficionados, but to 1911 afficionados. Ruger has turned so many people off with their latest semiautos that their releases aren't even taken seriously anymore. Sure there are a bunch here that swear by it if it says Ruger on it, but that's not much of the marketplace in general.

I never knew a 1911 fan who wouldn't buy another one if it was a quality product. I have over 10 myself, and I'd EASILY buy another one if Ruger did it right. As a matter of fact, I'd LOVE for Ruger to put out a semi that I could crow about like some here crow about their Ruger semi's.

What lake was that P85 in again ?????? I'm a certified diver .... :D
