Anthony Williams
:lol: Either crap or get off the pot! Ruger had one of the best .45 Semi-Autos ( The P-90 ) on the market and they've dropped it... duh? The P-345 is a great idea, but in the wrong caliber, should of/could of been, 9mm, 40S&W, or .357 Sig. If Ruger had their marketing brains located in a better part of their corporate anatomy they would have come out with their own version of the best selling handgun ever, the 1911. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "Ruger Hater." I feel Ruger makes the best single action revolvers on the market, and I love Ruger's centerfire bolt action rifles. But man o man, when it comes to building a centire semi auto handgun? PLEASE!
Anthony Williams
Anthony Williams