CCI CB Long in a Single Six

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Mar 6, 2008
Charlotte, North Carolina
For years I have shot this round out of my Marlin bolt action rifle. Out of a 22" barrel these rounds are VERY quiet. We are talking movie silencer quiet. ... =116-0038B

They are not the most accurate, but out to 30 yards they are minute of coke can accurate, maybe a little better.

Has anybody shot these out of a 9 1/2 inch barreled single six? If so, were they quiet?

I do not have a single six, but I was thinking these could make for some inexpensive backyard practice/pest (squirrels) control ammo.
You need to try the Aguila Colibri rounds! The only propellant is the primer charge. Some boxes and ads say not to shoot them out of rifles, but they fire out of a 10/22 just fine. Naturally, they don't cycle the action.

They also work extremely well out of a Walther P22 or Ruger Mark II. I've not tried them out of a revolver yet to see if the cylinder gap makes a difference in something with so little power.

But talk about QUIET!

We plug squirrels with them at 30 paces. It didn't take long to figure the 6" high hold to hit them reliably either.
Yep, I have some of those too. Primmer only with a little conical bullet.

As with all these low power rounds, forget about functioning in any type of action. Even in my bolt action the CCI's hang and you have to take care when closing the action. The Aguila absolutly will not feed. That is why I thought of getting a single six (been wanting one anyway).
I used to shoot a lot of CCI CB longs out of my 5.5" NM SS6 in the basement of a place I once lived. Sounded about like a capgun to my old ravaged and muzzleblasted ears. Accuracy was an inch or so at 40-50' as I recall....Dennis (Great for "guardin' the garden" too!)
Bucks Owin":1y93nbj3 said:
I used to shoot a lot of CCI CB longs out of my NM SS6 in the basement of a place I once lived. Sounded about like a capgun to my old ravaged and muzzleblasted ears. Accuracy was an inch or so at 40-50' as I recall....Dennis (Great for "guardin' the garden" too!)
+1 on all that. I used to shoot hundreds of CCI CB Longs in my attic out of a 5" automatic pistol and 4" revolvers. As Bucks said, about as loud as a kid's cap pistol and 1" or better accuracy at 30-40 feet. Good stuff!
We used to hunt racoons and we always brought the CBs in case the dogs would tree a coon too close to houses. My father used to carry his 6.5-inch Single six and it was very quiet with this round just like it was out of the cheap bolt action 22lr we used to slug through the brush. With the dogs, we didn't necerssarily need to worry about the fact that the load is a bit light for a big racoon as the dogs would make sure it didn't get away if we needed more then one shot.

For the record, a supressed 22lr with standard velocity ammo is quieter :wink: but I will grant you they are pretty darned quiet just the same!
I wonder if there is any difference in the noise level between a 9 1/2 inch and a 6 1/2 inch single six? Shooting them out of my .22 CZ Kadet they have a loud POP. Much louder than the rifle.
Yes, they will have a louder pop! The reason is in the longer barrel the pressure behind the bullet is equalized and reduced so you do not get much of a pop at all. With the revolver, you will get the pop from the cylinder gap too.

What are you looking to that you need it that quiet?

Here is my quietest 10/22 (Norrel Integral supressed 10/22)

But this one gets most of the work of taking care of pests in the garden (TAC-65 supressor):

The bolt click is the loudest thing you hear.
Those are some cool looking rifles. I would love to go the suppressed route, but primary purpose is for quiet single action target practice followed by quiet pest control/hunting.

We are up to our eyeballs in squirrels,coons and possums. Our poor neighbors cat has learned to steer clear when they (the coons) get into her food.
As mentioned above,, due to the barrel/cylinder gap,, there will be more escaping noise in a revolver than in closed action firearms. But CB's are definately quieter than normal ammo, and no harm will come to the SS.

Now; boomslang, you are in NC. yes,, nuisance critters, (coons & such,) can be an issue. I work in Nuisance Wildlife Control. Just a point of NC law. DO NOT RELOCATE COONS OR SKUNKS! Kill yes, relocate no. Trapping with a permit or liscense only. PM or email me if you need more info.
Thanks contender, I was thinking more for backyard plinking with the occasional pest control. Using the CB's for plinking down behind my house would not be heard by the neighbors.

DO NOT RELOCATE COONS OR SKUNKS! Kill yes, relocate no.


Not to hijack my own thread, but my son just got his Eagle last month.


yes, that is me behind him.

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