For years I have shot this round out of my Marlin bolt action rifle. Out of a 22" barrel these rounds are VERY quiet. We are talking movie silencer quiet. ... =116-0038B
They are not the most accurate, but out to 30 yards they are minute of coke can accurate, maybe a little better.
Has anybody shot these out of a 9 1/2 inch barreled single six? If so, were they quiet?
I do not have a single six, but I was thinking these could make for some inexpensive backyard practice/pest (squirrels) control ammo. ... =116-0038B
They are not the most accurate, but out to 30 yards they are minute of coke can accurate, maybe a little better.
Has anybody shot these out of a 9 1/2 inch barreled single six? If so, were they quiet?
I do not have a single six, but I was thinking these could make for some inexpensive backyard practice/pest (squirrels) control ammo.