My learning experience with car insurance, I'll try to be brief. I pull into a strip mall to look for a cellphone case. As I stopped and was waiting on another car to get out of the way another driver backed out and hit my car on the driver's side. It was a young fellow and he jumped out of his car saying "sorry, my bad". He produces a valid insurance card and I had called the police to have them do an accident report. As the officer was completing the report I noticed he did not state who was at fault. I asked him why and he informed me that they do not determine at fault on a parking lot accident. He says "you are on your own in that regard". A day later I get a call from a lady who was the owner of the car the young guy was driving and she told me that she had gotten a letter from her insurance company a week earlier saying the policy was cancelled due to the young driver having prior accidents. So, it was up to me and my insurance company. She said she would try to reimburse me if she could afford it. You can guess whether or not I ever received a dime from her.