Calling Me Crazy But...BH For Concealed Carry

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Eli Chaps

Dec 5, 2009
Yep. You read correctly. I intend to start carrying my 4 5/8" BH for concealed carry.

I'm new here and figured this would make a helluva first post. :D

A bit of background: I spent over a decade in military and civilian law enforcement. I am well versed in combat tactics and personal defense. I know all the conventional wisdom and all the reasons why the BH is considered a poor (at best) choice for concealed carry. Heavy, bulky, slow to reload, etc. I know, I know...Believe me I know.


I love my BH. I shoot it unquestionably and more naturally than I do any of my other guns. It is rock solid and as close to 100% reliable as a gun gets.

I adore Ruger firearms but I am not a fan of the semi's. Personal preference completely, not a reflection of the guns. But I do have other firearms that would suit this need much more in line with conventional thinking. And they won't be left out.


I can't carry every waking moment, my job precludes that. The nature of the job, beyond just the rules. So for the most part, day in and day out, I won't be wearing the gun for extended periods. And, again, it won't be my only choice.

I intend to purchase a Mernickle PSA6AS holster. The next step will be a mild action job just to smooth and crisp things up and get the most from the fine gun it is.

My BH goes with me every time I enter the woods so I'm also considering a satin Dura Coat finish. It would be tough to notice the difference at first glance and is a good hearty finish. At my heart I am a function over form guy anyway.

A slightly beefier set of grips may be in order. Haven't made up my mind.

Anyway, that's my thoughts. :)
Welcome to the Forum!
Why not?
The BH is a good quality firearm, and if you can carry it comfortably, and it's what you want,, Why not?
That's as good a choice as any. I carry my Blackhawk in the same Mernickle PS6-SA holster you are getting and I love it. I normaly use that combo as my field rig but it is comfortable to wear all day. Key
If you can conceal it and shoot it well, Why not? Might not be the best choice for all but it's your choice. :)
If I ever manage to get one of the 3.5-inch 45 Colt Birdshead Vaqueros I would carry that. I just find most of my single actions too big and heavy.... that is likely a drawback to my Bisley obsession.
This comes up here from time to time, so no real surprise for most of us.

I have a .357 Montado that is supposed to be converted to .44 Special someday. In the meanwhile, it occasionally rides in a Simply Rugged sharkskin pancake under my jacket or a big shirt. I usually pick it only if I am going someplace where I really do not expect trouble but still want a gun handy. Otherwise a Glock 32 rides on my belt.

Heck, the Glock probably raises more eyebrows here than you carrying a Blackhawk! :wink:
why not? if you can hit what you are aiming at with a bh, why not-i would feel ok carrying one-
The only problem with carrying a single action revolver like the Blackhawk is in reloading. So just carry two!
If I get into a gunfight with a BG, and I can't get him with 6 (or 5 if I'm totin an OM,) then I deserve the whatever I get from him. Besides,, any BG that sees the bigbore of my SA, & hears the boom,, but is lucky enough to not get hit,, will probly pee his pants worrying about the crazy bearded guy playing "John Wayne!" :D
One of my favorite gunmakers carries a Blackhawk .45 all day long. Says when he goes to town, he sticks the holster bottom into the back pocket of his jeans and lets his shirt hang out. Done it for 30 years, and he's not a big guy at all. Says he wouldn't need more than one shot...and there's no doubt. If there were two perps, he'd probably line 'em up first.
In jacket weather I often carry one of four sheriff model vaqueros in one of two Mernickle holsters. They carry, draw and shoot so natually for me that it just makes sense.

An inexpensive Wild West Mercantile (out of Phoenix) shoulder rig that I picked up in a trade has turned out to be one of my favorite methods of carry for one of my 45 B'Head Vaqs. A casual jacket conceals holster and hardware.
i carry vaqueros quite a bit. and there seems to be an oh sh*t factor to them. friends of mine say "man thats the one i wouldnt want to get shot with" even though its alot less "tacticool" then some other guns i own.
Thanks fellas. I should've known such an idea wouldn't raise a lot of eyebrows around here. :)

I'm a long skinny thing so concealing any firearm on my person can be a challenge. :p

But, I've carried my full sized Glock 21 .45ACP concealed many times with no issues. You just have to be a little more creative. Granted, it's a lot easier to do in the winter than the summer but like I said, I have other options to suit different needs.

I've begun practicing off-hand cocking. I'm right handed and have started trying to train myself to use my left hand to cock the hammer. I guess basically what all the great revolver shooters do but I never spent anytime trying. I just sit with the gun and slowly and repeatedly cock, de-cock, cock, de-cock, over and over. Speed through repetition as the saying goes.
Eli Chaps welcome to the forum from the fatman. I'm even some what surprised by the number of positive posts. Some gun people writers and such are fairly opposed to using a single action revolver for personal defense. I've never quite bought their arguement especially with some one who spends alot of time using a single action and is proficient in its use. Seems I remember someone in the news not long ago used one in self defense.
Why not, if you can handle it. It may be fun to see what some of the new age LEO would do about identifying or clearing it. I use to work with a reserve LEO that would gualify with one. Only the reloads slowed him down and not by much.

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