California homes burned. Homeowners arming themselves.......

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Don't forget the report yesterday (I posted it to one of the other fire threads) about an Army Reserve vehicle yard in suburban LA being broken into and three Humvees being stolen, along with quite a bit of other gear. The thieves also tried to force their way into uniform storage but apparently couldn't get into that in the time they had. Not to worry; if they want to cosplay as National Guard there's plenty of surplus shops out there that can kit them out.

The best-case scenario is looters looking to camouflage themselves as National Guard. The worst case . . . I'm sure you can guess.
Don't forget the report yesterday (I posted it to one of the other fire threads) about an Army Reserve vehicle yard in suburban LA being broken into and three Humvees being stolen, along with quite a bit of other gear. The thieves also tried to force their way into uniform storage but apparently couldn't get into that in the time they had. Not to worry; if they want to cosplay as National Guard there's plenty of surplus shops out there that can kit them out.

The best-case scenario is looters looking to camouflage themselves as National Guard. The worst case . . . I'm sure you can guess.
Oh heck, raiding Guard or Reserve outfits is nothing new. You just don't usually hear about it. Heck when I was in high school we had (actually its still there) a California National Guard armory around the corner. Some one broke in and stole a bunch of M-14's. The Armory commander went on the news and said it didn't matter, cuz they didn't get the bolts. So, they broke into the newly hardened armory and stole those along with a bunch of intact 1911's. Inside job? Probably.
Don't forget the report yesterday (I posted it to one of the other fire threads) about an Army Reserve vehicle yard in suburban LA being broken into and three Humvees being stolen, along with quite a bit of other gear. The thieves also tried to force their way into uniform storage but apparently couldn't get into that in the time they had. Not to worry; if they want to cosplay as National Guard there's plenty of surplus shops out there that can kit them out.

The best-case scenario is looters looking to camouflage themselves as National Guard. The worst case . . . I'm sure you can guess.
Those are likely already in Mexico being outfitted by the cartels.
I consider it funny how many people vote against gun rights, hate guns, or whatever,, UNTIL faced with a threat of some type. The worst ones are those who still believe in gun control except for themselves.
I wonder if they are able to get a firearm for SD or against looters & such with all the restrictions & roadblocks those areas have.
And if so many places burned down,, where do they go to get one?

Well, that's Liberals in general...they never "get it" until literally slapped in the face with a personal impact. I'm reminded many years ago, when they had the massive LA Riots, and it was looking like those riots were approaching Beverly Hills and other uber-wealthy enclaves. Actor and then NRA President, Charleton Heston, stated that some of his anti-gun Hollywood friends contacted him about borrowing one of his firearms. He did loan out a few, but to anyone who he did he mandated that they had to pay the full $1,000 to become a Lifetime NRA Member.
Good question, but there's always the 'private' sale market. The bad guys never seem to have a problem getting a gun.
Don't live in California, do you?
All legal firearms are transferred legally (FFLs). Even private sales.
The rest are felons.
20+ looters arrested so far. A couple of them impersonating fire fighters. Probably many more who haven't been.

I read years ago for every person caught committing a felony, some thousand ++ do not get caught. I suspect the reality is mostly the same in all crime.
Saw a couple of reports during the BLM riots (Summer of love) People were upset they have a waiting period in California. They wanted/needed a firearm NOW. But so sorry, not today.
I seem to remember that during some "uprising" the LAPD went to a gun shop to get some AR-15 type rifles. If I remember correctly, the gun shop owner did not make them follow the waiting period........😁
I seem to remember that during some "uprising" the LAPD went to a gun shop to get some AR-15 type rifles. If I remember correctly, the gun shop owner did not make them follow the waiting period........😁
Might be the same one you are talking about. Years ago. Didn't they have those armored up bad guy bank robbers that were outgunning and shooting up the police? Police went to gun shop for heavier weapons?
Might be the same one you are talking about. Years ago. Didn't they have those armored up bad guy bank robbers that were outgunning and shooting up the police? Police went to gun shop for heavier weapons?
I was there. In the parking lot across the street. What a mess. Crouched down behind my Land Cruiser until ordered out by an officer. Wished I had my Garand with me. I would have given it to him.

Officers went to B&B Guns, my favorite shop, and picked up M1-As, as I recall.
Wow. It is one thing to talk about things like that in theory. Another thing having to take cover. Glad you got out of there in one piece (y)
John. A single well trained (heck, most anyone who hunts) could have ended that with a couple of round from any of the nearby roofs.

In addition long range handgun shooting is no longer taught to officers. The excuse that the distance was too far for a handgun is BS. Ever watch a silhouette match.

There shotguns only had buckshot. A hit from a slug might not penetrate the armor, but an even then would likely incapacitate.

Decades of poor choices in training and equipment led to the North Hollywood fiasco.

Then again failure to learn from even a fairly recent FBI shooting in Miami just shows how hard it is to change the culture of a large organization.

The signs were all around but no one was paying attention.
Yes, there are a few intact homes. The police, supposedly to stop looting, are preventing the owners from returning to protect their property. And even at burned homes there may still be items of value.

As to availability of firearms, there is no shortage. Many voters aren't single issue voters. They may vote for a person because more, not all, of their opinions align
I'm sorry but you aren't allowed to be reasonable here