Bought a GP100 with no box and no papers

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Aug 7, 2012
Serial # is 174-999XX with the wood inserts. Adjustable sights, 357, the barrel measured from the cylinder is just at 4" long and from the frame is 3 1/4" long. Can you tell me the YOM and I'm assuming it is a 4" barrel model. Haven't shoot it much but do like it a lot, saving my ammo till the crazy is over. Makes me want a SP101 too. Have a Single 10, love it and a LCR 38 for carry. Also a gold Ruger Lite than gets very little use, I've become a revolver man, sold my SR9c.
I'd skip the SP if I were you and buy another GP. The SP is too big and heavy for pocket carry, if you have to use a belt holster anyway you might as well carry the GP. I go with a fixed sight 3in GP. Just my opinion.