BN31 box w/interesting stickers

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Nov 9, 2007
Sun City, AZ
Came by a .30 Carbine red & white hinged box for sn# 51-13083 with white PROOF FIRE, Jan 18, 1980, sticker on top. RENE shows it was procduced in 1978. It also has a white sticker on the opposite end from the standard Ruger catalog sticker with Date Recd, Model, SN#, From: Continental Arms & Engraving, Set 4559 and finally Asged: WALSH JAN 18 1990. Most likely the 1990 stamp is incorrect since the PROOF FIRE sticker is stamped under Date with WALSH JAN 18, 1980.

Googled Continental Arms and came with a business listing in Cranston, RI but no other info or web site.

There is nothing in RENE or RUGER AND HIS GUNS mentioning Continental Arms & Engraving. Anyone have any idea if these stickers had anything to do with Ruger or are they strictly an aftermarket deal?





Hi I have a yellow and black box for a ruger bisley blackhawk label on one end and stickers like yours on top and other end top one has test fire circled and OK hand written then proof fire by Jc the end sticker date is jan 22 1987 mod BN 45 ser 47-14159 from Munson Sptgds also lower left corner has S79292 then Asgnd JC and upper left corner hand written blue cyl
I often wondered if the gun had been shipped to ruger for a cyl replacement
the last date on the bottom of box is september 1984

This gun was sent back to Ruger for repairs, and what ever they did to it it had to be proofed again. Probably a new Barrel or cylinder.
Continental Arms was one of Ruger's distributors in New York State in years past (at least 1956). Who knows if the RI Continental Arms has any connection.