Blazer ammo

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May 5, 2013
Rockingham County, NC
I need the wisdom of the Ruger faithful.
I found a great deal on 7 boxes of 9mm Blazer steel ammo. (private sale) I've been told it's ok to shoot and I've been told not to shoot it in my SR9C.
What says the collective wisdom?
I have only shot Blazers in my 357mag. BlackHawk most of the shell casings cracked and were hard to eject never used them again.
It's said that steel case ammo screws up the extractor. I've shot some of it, and never really had any issues.
I didn't know blaser came in steel. Brass and alum. I have shot brass and alum with no problems. Of course I use the older better rugers.... The P-GUNS!! JK, SR's are probably ok too.

Buy it! and shoot it!
Didn't know Blazer made steel case, either. Was able to get 500 rounds of Wolf 9mm steel case ammo a couple of years ago. That was run through my SR9 and many more rounds after with no issue-except the headache I always get shooting Russian ammo. I think Russia fills their Wolf ammo with toxic waste rather than dispose of it properly. Man, that stuff smells indoors.The extractor is made of harder steel than the soft, stamped steel case round its extracting. Some people worry about that......I've put 10-12,000 rounds through my SAR1 (AKM) since 2002-all steel case with no problems. If any gun were ever manufactured with MORE extractor than the SR-series I'd be surprised. Ruger wasn't messing around. The extractor in my SR9 and SR45 is larger than my AKM!
I had a similar anxiety about shooting steel case/ alum. Its some kind of eternal truth in metallurgy (which I admit I know nothing about at all) that in order for one steel to damage another it has to be of greater hardness.

The case would have to be harder/ better quality then the extractor, which never happens in ammo. If for no other reason then cost.

Fire away. :)
my lc9 and xdm dont mind them a bit, i have some in aluminum and some in brass case, dont know if the brass cased blazers are reloadable though. anyone know?
recoil said:
Shouldn't hurt but check the casing after firing to see if there are any problems
Even if the cases are a bit battered it makes no difference. Blazer aluminum is non-reloadable and Berdan primed to boot. It's made to be disposable.
My kid took some Blazer aluminum 45 acp to the range this past weekend and shot it in his Glock, said it shoot all over the place and couldn't even get it on paper, and kept jamming the gun, this is a gun that has never jammed before usally eats anything and has always shot in the black till he tried these rounds.
With the Aluminum Blazer you should have no problem. I shot 100 rounds of 230gr FMJ through one of my SR1911s a couple days ago. No problem. My wife uses it in her S&W 9mm with no problems.

Agree that the Russian Wolf ammo used to smell horrible. I bought a 50 round box, shot a few at an indoor range and finished it off at an outdoor range. Don't know about the new stuff. I tried Silver Bear, and with that I noticed a couple cracks in the cases before I threw them out, although they did not cause a problem. Finally I bought about 500 rounds of Tula ammo, which seems sort of mild, although I have not chronographed it. Although it does not smell bad, all the indoor ranges have banned it because the bullets have steel in them and it is not good for backstops. Not just the case is steel.... pull a bullet and you can pick it up with a magnet. I am saving mine to play with on balistic gel or maybe wet telephone books or something.
In my experience, it's not so much the steel cases expanding and dragging on the steel chamber that ruins said chamber - it's the intolerance for grit, sand particles, and dust between the two surfaces that does. Brass and aluminum cases are more forgiving (read: flexible or malleable) than steel-on-steel.

I've seen stuck cases more than once on the range and most times it's been cheapo steel cased ammo. Then again lots of folks claim never to have had a problem.
But I've passed on a couple of ARs that had scratched-up chambers. :? :?: :?

Wiping down steel cases is not a ludicrous idea, whether you're shooting a $250 LCP or a $-thousand+ AR-type gun. Grit has to go somewhere and if it gets into the chamber with steel cases, well, that is just not optimal or necessary in the 21st century.

All Blazer centerfire ammo has always been aluminum AFAIR. 8)

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