Blackhawk polished grip frames

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Oct 13, 2008
Does anyone have pictures of a blued blackhawk with a polished grip frame? I have some nicks in the paint and have thought about polishing it. Thanks in advance. ;)
hedgehorn, I'm assuming you are referring to the black anodized aluminum grip frame?

If you are feeling badly about nicks and not real sure that you want the polished frame yet, you could try some of Casey's Aluminum Black metal touchup. In my experience, it does not completely blacken those shiny nicks in the aluminum but it does a pretty fair cover up. I have used it a lot on my aluminum framed Blackhawks.

It was just a thought. If you try it, you'll have nothing to lose.
texaswheelgunner. Thanks for the info. I will have to look into the Casey's Aluminium Black metal touch up. I appreciate the info. H-2 :D
A black Sharpie marker will work in a pinch also. Works great on front sight blades too.

Here is on old model 41 Special that Andy H0rvath polished out and round butted.