blackhawk cylinder indexing question

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Mar 28, 2002
Littleton, CO
I know that the new model vaqueros and the Lipsey's 44 special blackhawk have the indexing system for unloading so that it is easier to line up the chambers and eject empties (I forget what they call the system). Do the blackhawk convertible models have that too?
I can't answer that. I've not inspected any of the current crop of New Models except those fabulous Flattops!

Perhaps Ruger's Website could offer an answer.......

If you can figure out what makes it a "reverse indexing" pawl I'd be interested to hear.

My Lipsey's .44 has this system, which can be seen via the extra little pin behind the cylinder, near the pawl. It does indeed align the cylinder holes with the loading gate for loading/unloading, but it does not seem to allow "reverse indexing". The cylinder will only turn in one direction (clockwise) once it has advanced past a certain point. Before that point it will rotate backward a little bit, but no more than one of my "old New Models" without the reverse pawl; You can't back it up to the last round, for instance.

Now my Bisley Hunter has a Power Custom free spin pawl, and of course that's completely different, allowing free movement in either direction, but having no clicks.

Based on this I guess I don't understand why they called this a "reverse indexing pawl", when all it seems to do is align the holes with the gate.

-- Sam
I believe that little plunger can be removed so the cylinder will spin freely either direction with the loading gate open. May want to do a search on the forum to get more details as I think some one posted how to remove the plunger.
I really don't know why they call it that because it leads lots of folks to believe that it allows rotation in both directions, which it does not. In a nutshell, the 50th Blackhawks, 50th Super Blackhawk, .44Spl Blackhawk and New Vaquero sixguns have what is essentially a freespin pawl coupled with a little plunger that interacts with the cylinder ratchet to assure that on the audible "click", the chamber lines up with the loading port. It does NOT allow the cylinder to spin in both directions. Remove that plunger and you have a freespinning cylinder.
CraigC":2iahstr8 said:
I really don't know why they call it that because it leads lots of folks to believe that it allows rotation in both directions, which it does not. In a nutshell, the 50th Blackhawks, 50th Super Blackhawk, .44Spl Blackhawk and New Vaquero sixguns have what is essentially a freespin pawl coupled with a little plunger that interacts with the cylinder ratchet to assure that on the audible "click", the chamber lines up with the loading port. It does NOT allow the cylinder to spin in both directions. Remove that plunger and you have a freespinning cylinder.
Thanks very much for the information. That's good to know.

-- Sam
kpp80202, current convertibles most assuredly DO NOT have the indexing feature.

I've just acquired a 45 conv, the latest of many, with fired case envelope date of 8/2009, and a friend a 357 conv, similar time frame. Both are index-free.

Actually, it's my only major gripe against New Model Blackhawks (that they don't index).

And the fact that Ruger won't do them in stainless steel.

Often enough.

B*stids. :x

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