The answer to you question is that no, unlike Smokeless powder, Black Powder does not need to be confined to build up enough pressure to propel a projectile. Black Powder explodes when ignited, regardless of whether it has been confined or not. Light a match to a small pile of it and you will see. In this situation a small charge of BP will go up with a puff of smoke and a 'fooom'. That is why the storage and sale regulations for Black Powder are stricter than Smokeless powder. BP is classified by the ATF as an explosive, and requires more stringent storage conditions. Smokeless powder is classified as a progressively burning propellant.
All that being said, you will achieve a bit more boom the more you confine Black Powder. That's why revolutionary war re-enactors only get a 'foomph' out of their muskets, they are not using a patch and a ball to confine the powder. Once a patch and ball are used you get a boom.