Bisley grip frame question

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Sep 1, 2008
SW Ohio
Is there anyway to buy a grip that is similar in shape and style of the original Colt bisley and put it on a Ruger? Basically what I am looking for is an aftermarket grip that can go on a Ruger Bisley that looks identical to the colts, same lines and everything. Thanks.
Jager01":3vbiquos said:
Is there anyway to buy a grip that is similar in shape and style of the original Colt bisley and put it on a Ruger? Basically what I am looking for is an aftermarket grip that can go on a Ruger Bisley that looks identical to the colts, same lines and everything. Thanks.

Not exactly what you ar looking for, but Clements modifies Bisley grip to No. 5.



Also here is another backstrap for BH


See ... cts_id=787

BTW, I think that original No. 5 grip is combination of Colt Bisley grip backstrap and classic Colt grip front strap.
M'BOGO":3g2coc84 said:
But the grip length was kept the same as the 1873, not the longer Bisley.

Thanks for correction, I forgot about that detail. Keith had small hands so he used what fitted him. It was funny to see some folks with large hands struggling while shooting TLA No.5, and when I mentioned that this grip is not for them and to go with Ruger Bisley, I was brushed off and they even mentioned my poor knowledge of history. I almost said some folks obviously lacked common sense but I kept my mouth shut...
Onty":1q78esgo said:
M'BOGO":1q78esgo said:
But the grip length was kept the same as the 1873, not the longer Bisley.

Thanks for correction, I forgot about that detail. Keith had small hands so he used what fitted him. It was funny to see some folks with large hands struggling while shooting TLA No.5, and when I mentioned that this grip is not for them and to go with Ruger Bisley, I was brushed off and they even mentioned my poor knowledge of history. I almost said some folks obviously lacked common sense but I kept my mouth shut...

I was just pointing out, not correcting. Just because something fits me, doesn't mean it will fit you, or vice versa. Keith was what, 5'2"ish, maybe 150lbs ish. I'm 6'5", 250lbs ish, his coat, pants, boots won't fit me, the fact that I can shoot his revolver is testiment to the plowhandle design. But the Ruger Bisley is about the clostest fit for me. From there it would be awkward, not to well balanced, and heavy.
FWIW the TLA #5 grip frame got an inadvertent second shortening in the development process... By the time they realized it had happened it was to late...
IMHO there is nothing that the right amount of money can't have built.
David Clements' current #5 is a modification of the Ruger Bisley... His original was a two piece grip frame like the Colt...

Ha! These guys are shooters! :) I have noted shooting the NM No 5 and a Bisley 44 side by side with the Skeeter load in the #5 and real mag loads in the Bisley I find the Bisley much more comfortable in my hand.... While I don't call my hands large I remember a female friend calling them paws... :D

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