Bisley cylinder replacement

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Nov 29, 2009
Central, CA
I bought a Bisley in the mid 90's and after a few rounds I got 2 stuck cases. Seems my load was not as good as it should have been and I damaged the cylinder. Took weeks to find out what happened to the load... turned out to be a bad scale that stuck just a hair... instant over charge...

Anyway the two chambers are just slightly dimpled at the cylinder stop. I'm sending it back to ruger for evaluation and repair... Ya it's been sitting in a box for over 10 years waiting to get sent in :p

Given the amount of time that has passed, will there be a change in the cylinder styles?

I'm really wanting to swap out a few parts into stainless, cylinder, guide rod housing, cylinder pin... If I send in a request for a stainless cylinder will they fit one in or do I need to find an after market shop to do the work?
Ruger will only put in parts like the originals. If you want stainless hardware,, you'll have to spend the $$$$$ & get it somewhere other than Ruger. (Except for the smaller parts like the housing & cylinder pin.)