Birdshead Vaquero - This one was mine

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May 27, 2013
Denver, Colorado
Hey All - My first post here.
Ten years ago, to celebrate my 30th birthday, my beautiful but anti-gun wife bought me a .45 Colt Birdshead Vaquero. It was simply put, a great gun. It taught me how to shoot and along with a simple press, how to reload. I dressed it up a bit with a SBH hammer from Brownells and life was good.

Until the sewer line broke last fall and every penny was needed. So, responsibility kicked in and I parted with the gun that I'd never part with. Along with my modest collection of revolvers and semi's, it went to the auction block. Sometimes life happens.

Well, I thought I'd share a picture of it and a 686 that sadly is also enjoyed by a new owner. I couldn't begin to count how many rounds I put through the birdshead. It was a laser with jacketed bullets but once I found the magic of 8.5gr unique and 250 LRN bullets, both my targets and my wallets were happy.

It isn't much of a picture and honestly, you've seen guns identical to mine. But, this one was mine.

There is potentially some good news however. My 40th birthday is coming up, and my still beautiful and still anti-gun wife asked me what I'd want, knowing I still miss my "cowboy gun." :)
Well I've been there myself. A few years ago I almost had enough saved for a nice shotgun. Nothing fancy just a real nice double barrel. A new sewer line took care of that real quick. Somehow the wife couldn't understand why a shotgun is more important than a working toilet.

Those are nice looking guns. Good luck with your birthday.