bird head frame nv

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With some tweaking you can bolt a New Model-type up to a mid-frame like the NewVaq. It's "basically the same". Unfortunately Ruger isn't making BH grip frames anymore, likely because it would be hard to cram a lock into one, and the main aftermarket source (QPR/MKTech) has dried up.

Gary Reeder is making some on a semi-custom basis but he won't sell one for use on a NewVaq as he doesn't want to piss Ruger off by disabling keylocks. I think he'd being a nut about that myself.

The easiest path might be to score one of the new factory Bisley NVs in stainless and have the grip frame cut, shaped and welded custom. That gives you a higher hold than Ruger's Bird's-Head, and the fit between grip frame and cylinder frame would be factory-standard. Second easiest would be to score a regular Bisley unfitted frame and modify that, putting it on a standard NewVaq, Montado or whatever.
thanks for the info. those locks are a pain. a guy at the store the other day said his engaged half way through his shooting session and he had left his key at home.

sounds like a pain so maybe i will just wait to see if ruger puts one out or not. just want to make it easier conceal and carry withou the big but digging in. besides really liking the look.
>>a guy at the store the other day said his engaged half way through his shooting session and he had left his key at home. <<

On a Ruger, S&W or Taurus...or other?

If a Ruger, it's the first report I've EVER heard of accidental engagement. Any idea gun or caliber?
JimMarch1":29d9lho0 said:
>>a guy at the store the other day said his engaged half way through his shooting session and he had left his key at home. <<

On a Ruger, S&W or Taurus...or other?

If a Ruger, it's the first report I've EVER heard of accidental engagement. Any idea gun or caliber?

no idea he didnt specify, but i would imagine it was a ruger knowing him. thats about 90% of what he owns. i thought it was a little weird to.
I've been looking hard for any credible reports that a Ruger keylock auto-engaged. Yours is the first, except..."you imagine" it's a Ruger.

Any chance you could find out for sure, as you appear to know the guy?

It's like...picture a conversation around the water cooler at the Center for Disease Control. Somebody says "oh yeah, some horrible disease just went airborne", everybody freaks out and says "WHICH ONE!?" and he says "gee, I dunno...I guess maybe syphilis...?"

Just...a little bit annoying, you know?
Unfortunately Ruger isn't making BH grip frames anymore, likely because it would be hard to cram a lock into one, and the main aftermarket source (QPR/MKTech) has dried up.

They've been keeping them in stock for a while now so they do seem to be making them in batches for some reason. Buy from Midway or direct from Ruger.
yeah if i see him at the store again i will ask. all companies have a fluke once in a while.

coulda been anything. i had it happen on my mountaingun though i dont know how and was never able to duplicate it. course it didnt take me long to get rid of it after that. took it to the range and fired it, brought it home and cleaned it, carried it for a week and took it back to fire it and the trigger wouldnt move. had the case with me so i had the key. scared the hell outta me that my carry piece wouldnt of worked had i needed it. we were cutting firewood in oct. of 2005, ya know when the bears are looking to eat anything they can before hybernation. i think it mighta happened while i was cleaning it with a brush.
I can see this starting already........

Flashback....... 1973, Idiot carrying a Ruger with Six Rounds accidentally shots himself.

Failure to follow manufactures instructions

Fast Forward..... Police Officer (Or your common citizen) in a situation where he must defend his life and the internal lock causes the weapon to lock and not fire causing his death.

Forced to follow the Government Mandate and Manufactures instructions.

Now who is at fault?.......

Ruger was initially sued, but ultimately redesigned there guns with the now famous transfer bar system which has become the industry standard for revolvers worldwide.

Who would be at fault and sued this time, not the Government of course, but the manufacturer and the man behind the gun....

He must have done something wrong.
I tried to photograph it last night without much success, the flash made it look awful so I need to experiment because I really would like to post pictures of my babies on this forum, which BTW is fantastic!

I have picked many tips on a great deal of topics here as an unregistered guest but finally decided to register. Hopefully I would be able to contribute to the forum as well and not just on Ruger's (But they are my favorite)

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