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Jul 13, 2009
I have a Ruger Red Hawk stainless steel in 357 that is one big gun. I don't see any advertised for sale. Were they a short run or are people hanging on to them?
I think they were only made for a few years and have quite a following. I had one and while it was a great shooter, I couldn't see carrying around all that weight for .357 level power. Probably the strongest .357Mag on the planet. I'd probably pick up another one if I ran across one for a good price.
Whats one worth like new with a propoint on it? I have the rear adjustable also. I asked this question somewhere before, (on here?) and got prices all over the map. It has a 7 and 1/2 in barrel and is heavy I have a shoulder rig for it from Cabela's. I don't think theres a mark in it.
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The 357 Redhawk was only made in smaller quantities,, and are desirable to many folks. Pricing all depends upon condition, & completeness of the package. (Box, papers, shipper etc.) With a Propoint on it,, it would suggest the gun has been shot,, but it also sounds like it hasn't been abused. I would say that depending upon the above factors,, it could be worth between $600 & $700. It would help to know more and have a few pics to study.

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