Best, and cleanest, target ammo?

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May 5, 2009
Raleigh, NC
I'm still new to shooting and have now put about 600 rounds thru my SR9 (with no problems at all after a stovepipe or 2 on the first mag).
I'm interested in opinions on best and cleanest (in terms of least residue) ammo to use for frequent (1/week) visits to indoor range. I've been using mainly Blazer CCI 115-g, the non-reloadable rounds with aircraft aluminum casings, since they're so cheap. But I've seen other branfs advertised as "clean" and specifically designed for indoor use -- afre they really any better?
Also -- I field strip and clean gun after every firing, but haven't disassembled beyond basic field stripping -- how long can I go before I have to take apart trigger assembly, firing pin, etc. to clean? :?:
"Clean Range" or any other moniker has nothing to do with the fouling it can cause to your pistol. That ammo is listed as lead and mercury free, it's an environmental issue. It is supposed to keep the toxin levels down, it doesn't really fire any cleaner as far as deposits than standard ammo.
As Cheezewhiz said, although ammo like Federal BallistiClean & WinClean are lead free bullets with a non-toxic primer (and are enviromentally freindly at about triple the price :shock:), they (along with any other cartridge you shoot) will still leave some degree of powder residue in your gun. Since I clean my guns after each trip to the range anyway, I personally don't mind shooting less expensive rounds such as WWB, Blazer Brass, Federal, factory reloads, etc., even if the general consensus is that they may be a bit dirtier then some of the more expensive ammo on the market (JMHO).
Agree with the last two posters.

Clean yer gun after every shooting session,......yer gun should function fine.
Just avoid any rounds (imports) that say corrosive.
Personally I have found Blazer Brass to be a bit cleaner than the aluminum stuff. But one of my favorites (and a favorite of all my guns) is S&B. Speer Lawman also seems to be rather clean shooting. Just remember that Blazer, Speer, and Federal are all made by the same company.
When I could still get it, I found Winchester "white box" (WWB) to be a little cleaner than Remington UMC, which was a little cleaner than Blazer aluminum. I haven't had such a selection in a while, and haven't used enough Blazer Brass to compare.

-- Sam
You mean that not only can you BUY 9mm ammo, you also have a CHOICE???? :shock:


I buy whatever brand is on the shelf. . . . WHEN there IS some on the shelf!
I also clean them after every outing, so it doesn't really matter to me which brand, as long as it goes 'bang' everytime I pull the trigger!
Thanks again for all the advice - I haven't seen WWB available for months now, even online -- been getting Blazer because Natchez always seems to have it in stock..

On the other question, how often, IYO, does gun have to be disassembled and cleaned beyond basic field stripping?
Flyer76 ... you have asked a very subjective question here. While I field strip each of my guns (that have gone to the range) once per week, and detail strip each one 2 or 3 times per year (depending on rounds fired), I know a guy who has not detail stripped any of his guns in nearly 5 years and another who detail strips each of his guns every 1000 rounds and records the results on a excel spread sheet. The best advice that I can offer is not to go to either extreme (never isn't often enough and every 1000 rounds is probably a bit too often IMHO). Find (and stick with) a resonable maintenance plan that works for how you shoot.
GhosT":2boays9a said:
Agree with the last two posters.

Clean yer gun after every shooting session,......yer gun should function fine.
Just avoid any rounds (imports) that say corrosive.

Any info on "Lellier+Bellot 9mm Luger 115grs. [ non-corrosive] amo which is made in Czech Republic ???? A ex-gun dealer gave me 2 boxes to try . Has anyone used this brand , is it ok to use ???
Thanks to all who reply ....
I've fired many boxes of 115 grain Sellier & Bellot in my KP95. It's loaded a bit hot, but very good target ammo. I also like Blazer, Blazer Brass, Fiocchi, Speer Lawman, WWB, American Eagle, and Rem UMC. My selection is based on price and availability. I never had any functioning problem with Wolf, but it's dirty stuff.
3leggeddog":wvf7cpdy said:
GhosT":wvf7cpdy said:
Agree with the last two posters.

Clean yer gun after every shooting session,......yer gun should function fine.
Just avoid any rounds (imports) that say corrosive.

Any info on "Lellier+Bellot 9mm Luger 115grs. [ non-corrosive] amo which is made in Czech Republic ???? A ex-gun dealer gave me 2 boxes to try . Has anyone used this brand , is it ok to use ???
Thanks to all who reply ....

It is great ammo. I prefer their 124gr load but it is all good stuff. I have fired a lot of their 9x19 and some .380acp, .45acp, .303brit, and maybe another caliber or two. The best part about their pistol ammo and maybe the rifle stuff too but I don't remember is that it has a red laquer over the primer. That is to keep it waterproof. The only downside is that when you clean your breach face you will get some red on your swabs too. But when the red is gone, your gun is clean.

Think mean
Sellier+bellot, ...not Lellier....

S&B......Feeds great in all my guns.
Not tact drivers...but in a semi-auto centerfire....more than accurrate for a practice round.
Think I got 1000 in stock per gun.

The big thing....and should be fun for a new gun owner....
Strip and clean yer gun well after practice.

Ohh, and save a few fired cases....
Whole another subject....but....
Dryfiring yer gun...those cases are handy.