Belt wear ??

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I wear suspenders that hook to my belt.

If I ever get a waistline again, I'll stop wearing suspenders.
Oh, been there. Heading there again....
I always wear a belt. Suspenders are good for supporting 'outside pants'-I suppose maybe not that many folks have need to wear an outer pair of Carhartt pants due to cold weather but it's common around here for those who dislike overalls or insulated coveralls.
I wear suspenders because I have hips like a snake; non existent. But that doesn't answer my question. It is if you do wear suspenders do wear a belt threaded through the loops or a free belt and holster.
Suspenders are (or were) popular amongst the old man crowd. They were they guys whose butt muscles had atrophied so much that pants were not wearable without suspenders. I'm getting there.

Anymore, the only belts I wear are thick enough/reinforced in order to carry a OTW holster w/ gun.
I believe that the old man crowd's use of suspenders didn't really originate because of atrophied butt muscles, but rather because of the extremely "healthy" belly "muscle", which grew way past ANYTHING below it which may have supported the belt. I've proved this theory by going "back and forth" several times... It's true!....
I wear suspenders because I have hips like a snake; non existent. But that doesn't answer my question. It is if you do wear suspenders do wear a belt threaded through the loops or a free belt and holster.
TO ANSWER FM's question: IT DEPENDS.... sometimes I wore a belt and sometimes I didn't....... I never wore/wear a holster.

I wear both a belt and suspenders whenever I carry.

As early as 50 years ago, I recall that "Belt and suspenders" was a phrase used to describe a situation requiring a need for extreme caution - "Take a belt-and-suspenders approach. Be doubly cautious."
I always thought the phrase denoted those of us who are OCD...and ANAL.... and maybe absent minded to boot.

Totally off-topic . . .

The only suspenders I ever wore were the lightweight, narrow, white ones that were part of a complete "white jacket" formal ensemble. The pants in those rigs had no belt loops, so "braces" were a necessity.

The justification for even having such an ensemble is another story . ;)
when I wear suspenders they either clip or have plastic loops that connect to the belt and so the belt has to go through the pants loops. Only time I did different is is seems that back in military college we had pants that had buttons that the suspenders hooked on to but I could be wrong or this could have been in one of my previous lives.
I have a pair of suspenders because one pair of cuffed and pinstriped dress pants I own have no loops. I wear a belt with golf pants because I cannot stand no belt with a tucked in shirt. It's the only time I wear a belt or suspenders. Haven't worn those pants in 20 years.
As I morph more and more into "Dad bod" I've taken to wearing suspenders. But if I wear a belt with them, it's always been through the loops. Maybe after I retire I can look into other ways of carrying, like OWB on a belt not through the loops, but for now it's pocket carry.