Bearcat Experts Needed

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Nov 3, 2009
ok so i've just located a nice unaltered bearcat with a blued trigger guard. and since i have been searching for a blackguard for years i was extremely excited ... until i noticed the dang serial #. i had always been under the impression that the blackguards started in the 33000 range, but this one has an alphabet prefix on it. any insight? im thinking that someone just slapped a trigger guard on it from a super bearcat and that i should just stay away from it, but the collector in me is freaking out. thanks for any help yall!
The only black trigger guard Bearcats were in the 73xxx to 76xxx range.
Like this one :shock: They are very rare about 109 produced :)

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A magnet will offer clues. The "Blackguard" Bearcat's have cast aluminum trigger guards.

The late issue Old Model Super Bearcats have blued steel trigger guards. Image below.



PS Current Production Blued "New Bearcats" also have blued steel trigger guards.
RPM Enterprises":336i8ma2 said:
They are very rare about 109 produced :)

T.A. WORKMAN":336i8ma2 said:

one of these statements must be incorrect. i had always understood that there were 109 of these produced, and i have seen that same picture. but if there were 109 then this document has to be incorrect as it says there were 79 produced, or the belief that there are 109 of them produced has to be incorrect. any help here? im just getting more and more confused lol ... but that is the joys of ruger :D

This is where i got the idea that there were some as low as the 33000 range. in no way do i take this to be absolutely correct as i know most of yall have way more experience and knowledge in this area then i probably ever will

Bill Hamm":336i8ma2 said:
A few blue anodized aluminum housing can be found on some Bearcats beginning in the 33000 serial number range.
Bearcat Guide
I wouldn't call the posted document incorrect. It's more like incomplete. The information about the "Blackguard" Bearcats has simply been "improved" over the years.

The Red Eagle News Exchange's Ruger Reference lists the Blackguard Bearcats as falling within the 73282 to 76399 serial number range and states 109 examples are known to have been produced by Ruger.

I've yet to find one for my modest Bearcat collection.

i was kinda figuring that i should pass up this gun because it seemed way too good to be true, and when stuff seems that way it usually is. i appreciate all y'alls help. so the search continues lol
Hey The potato farmer had one in the 1xxxxx range that lettered If I remember correctly......YES the collector in me was excited when I saw that ALPHA CAT also.....just seems way to early of gun it and let us know....can't really tell until it is in one's hands......see ya RR.
way too early for the 'blackguard',BUT if it ( the trigger guard) is NOT steel, it will not be the first one that has been "refinished" by re- only buy stuff like that when it it such a GREAT deal, too hard to pass up and no matter if its wrong or not....... :roll:
The potato farmers blackguard now resides in Ohio and is sn 91416, and never appeared on any of the two lists that were published. It was also shipped one year after the 79 and 30 gun shipments.
The first thing I'd do is pull the trigger guard off and see if the stamped sn on the underside of the guard matches the sn of the gun.
i passed up on it, seemed like a risky buy and i really need to stop buying firearms for the time being. something about wanting to put walls inside my house thats currently being built :D

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