Wearing your hat backwards while shooting a rifle? The bill of the hat shields the eye from the brightness of the sky or the sun, thus the eye can focus on the front sight or cross hairs clearly. I have shot in many Service Rifle matches; I have never observed anyone with his hat on backwards. First thing in the morning at Camp Perry the sun comes up in the Southeast and is blistering hot, the competitor is facing North. To shield the right side of my face, ear, and neck I have resulted in holding a towel draped over the right shoulder in place with my hat with the bill in the correct direction. Since then, I bought a "rifleman's" hat that has flaps and blinders to shield the sun and the antics of those around me. (Not many "antics" though most people are serious competitors.) While in the Army I wore my helmet slightly cocked to the left rear (I am right-handed) so it would not touch the top of the handle/sight on my rifle. When I am on the rifle, I am in my own little world, I am not concerned with "looking cool".