Barrel Reject?

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Jun 8, 2013
I own an SR1911, and love it. I noticed that stamped on the barrel is the letter "R" to the right of the barrel link. Is this a mark for "Reject" or for "Ruger?" Has anyone noticed this on their SR1911? The reason I am asking is because I noticed the barrel is wearing on the frame more to one side. I have only had around 300 rounds through it, and I know the breaking in wearing will not be totally even on both sides, but with the letter "R" on it, it makes me wonder. The pistol cycles fine with no problems, so maybe I should not worry about it, I was just curious if anyone else had the same markings?
So you are telling me your Ruger SR1911 and all others have this mark on the barrel?
I can find that mark somewhere on all my recently purchased Ruger semi auto pistols. On my 1911 ocmmander same mark same spot. Looks like a double strike though so not a clear mark. Simply a proof mark or inspection mark. Nothing to worry about. You got to remember the Ruger 1911 are great guns. But they are not a high end hand fitted custom 1911. Function may not be picture perfect. But as long as it runs 100 percent of the time don't worry about uneven wear.
I appreciate it. Just wanted to make sure. I have the full size with 5 inch barrel. Love shooting it, too easy to shoot 50 rounds without knowing it.