Back to the trusty P-Gun

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Aug 7, 2013
Ok, I am back to a trusty P89 for the third time,( I cannot stay away lol) and I am trying to find reliable mags, parts, and holsters, but other than CTD I'm having a little trouble finding anything. I know the P89 is an older model but does anyone know of a good place to get stuff? Any ideas would be great. I am still searching the boards here for ideas (newbie to the forum).
I love the P89, I can put just about any 9mm cartridge through it and it just keeps asking for more, and I have had very few issues in the past. I decided to get another one when I caught it on consignment at the local store.
Welcome. I am the self-proclaimed P-nut around here. I hunt on gunbroker and ebay for P-series items. But for parts I call home to Ruger first. They are typically the cheapest and you get new factory parts.

What are you looking for specifically? If I find it I can send you a note.

I saved a 89 from the scrap bin not too long ago. Post I made is below.
welcome back...........i've came close to getting a p89 but i just can't get excited about the round.
3 post and one day here.... I'd suggest being patient.... I've bought a total of 10 9mm P magazines here in the last two months.... just about the only other thing you can or should do with a p-89 is possibly change out the grip to a Houge.
MidwayUSA or CDNN usually have magazines for the P-series if you don't run across any on the forum. I have some of the hogue grips on my P-944 & like them. You might have to dig around for a holster. I've got a Don Hume belt slide for my P944. I think I got it from Gunners Alley IIRC.
Mike J said:
MidwayUSA or CDNN usually have magazines for the P-series if you don't run across any on the forum. I have some of the hogue grips on my P-944 & like them. You might have to dig around for a holster. I've got a Don Hume belt slide for my P944. I think I got it from Gunners Alley IIRC.

Not high jack but will you post a picture of this holster. Empty and with gun in please.

I have been looking for a 94 holster for awhile.

I'll see if I can get a pick up this evening Roylt. I believe the model is 721 OT IIRC.
I seem to be having a hard time with Photobucket but I'm going to try one more time.


Not the best pic.'s I know. I just threw the pistol & holster down on the ramp to the shed & took them with my phone.
That is nice!! I really like that. Wish I could find a nice used one cheap. I would carry my 944 too.

Thanks for sharing.
chefrob1 said:
is it the light or is that slide turning plum like my 96/44?

Yep it has been that color for a while. It has some scratches on it too from using a cheap Uncle Mikes plastic holster just a very few times.
Apologies to the OP for further sidetracking your thread
Don't forget, if you're looking for (Ruger) P89 mags, they're interchangeable with Ruger's PC9 carbine, so you could add that to your search terms.
+1 on the P89, absolutely love mine, been my first pistol and second handgun I bought and never had problems with it. Also +1 on the Hogue grip, love it!
Great experience with Mecgar mags, got 15 and 20 models and they're just as reliable as Ruger factory mags.

Plum pretty P95 DC


Best trigger on any semi I have ever owned..P90DC


My P97 and P95
chefrob1 said:
welcome back...........i've came close to getting a p89 but i just can't get excited about the round.

Load it up with 15 rounds of +P hollowpoint rounds and you are as good as any 40S&W. The P91 and P90 are the same gun chambered in 40 and 45 ACP ,,if you like?