sig p238 or the max both are accurate shooters.
Small 380's are a give and take. The heavy recoil spring will give you milder shooting. I am a fanatic over small 380's and have been for over a decade. Learn to use your arms and not hands to rack. Practice with these often and diligently and you will shocked at how well they perform. On any given day, easy to pump out a full mag of head shots at rapid fire at 10 yds.What about the S&W Bodyguard 2.0?? I got one about 3 months ago and I really like the fit in my hand but hate to rack the slide. The racking force is more than any gun I have or tried. I asked S&W to send me a softer main spring but they refused. I did get a replacement spring when the damn thing wouldn't go together. The new spring does go together every time but it is just as hard to rack. And Wolf doesn't have anything to replace the main spring either as the gun is too new for them. I had to buy a "Handi-Racker" and that does the job nicely. ($30). I'm going to try to soften up the old spring by using the tip of my very small torch. Just to see it that will help.