Anyone have a Super Blackhawk Hunter barrel cut to 5.5"

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Jan 31, 2003
Winter Wonderland
Wondering if anyone has had a Super Blackhawk Hunter or Super Blackhawk Bisley Hunter barrel cut and crowned to 5.5 " ? I really want a .41 or .44 stainless 5.5" Bisley (acusport) but can't find any..... my local dealer has a Super Blackhawk Bisley Hunter .44 mag. I'm right down the road from Magnaport and am thinking of buying it and dropping it off at Magnaport when they have an opening to have the barrel cut and crowned to 5.5." I don't plan on puting a scope on the gun. My other big question is.... can the existing "Hunter" front sight blade be fit to the cut barrel ?


Thanks guys !

Mark, if you get the chance, please post pics of yours and if you don't mind me asking.... who did the work ?

fz4vgq":7ckq1ir8 said:
Thanks guys !

Mark, if you get the chance, please post pics of yours and if you don't mind me asking.... who did the work ?


I did the work but I don't do that as part of my business. I'll work on pics but it may be the weekend before I can get them.
macbullet":24vdfjwg said:
This was for sale a couple years ago....not mine and if I remember correctly a Ruger Forum member bought it.


I personally know the man who had this done, I even slicked up the action a little on it for him and then he sold it. I just told him yesterday that no gun is sacred to him.
Can someone give me an idea who could do this kind of a job, and about how much I'd be looking to pay?

I really like my SBHH, but I generally shoot lighter loads out of it, and I'm thinking this mod would make it balance better, and cut down on the weight slightly.

-- Sam
Looks great with the top rib and the shorter length. That's a great configuration! Still have the option of scoping it yet it's a much more packable length withouth the scope and you still have the long ejector. Has a lot to offer. Pretty much any good `smith can do the work. Personally, instead of Ruger's front sight system, I'd think about the Weigand interchangeable front sight system. Lots of available blades and heights available and all it needs is a ¼" slot milled into the rib.
I have been trying to do the same thing to a Bisley Hunter. My only problem I can't fing the gun. I sold my regular Bisley Hunter to get a Bisley and now ca't find one. If anyone knows of one available please let me know.
Bump for more info? :)

I have looked into a Bisley Model in stainless in the .44 Mag but Ruger no longer makes them. :(. And if you can find the Accusport they are going for $650.oo on up. WOW.

So I was thinking of getting a Ruger Bisley Hunter Stainless in .44 Mag and shorten the barrel.

As I was thinking by doing so would be cheaper than to get a Ruger Super Blackhawk and the conversion pieces needed.

If I am wrong please do correct me on this?

Thank You
I've been trying to get to the 5-1/2" Bisley, too and have made arrangements to send 2 blued Bisleys, one in .45 and one in .44, both 7-1/2" to Jim Stroh at Alpha Precision for shortening to 5-1/2" with his front sights. I'm also sending a 7-1/2" SS SBH for the same treatment.

He's quoted $75 for the shortening plus $158 for the sight installed. His sight is screwed to the barrel and, in my opinion, an elegant solution to the problem of having to remount and solder a modified standard sight.

The SS SBH will be converted to a Bisley after it's shortened with parts from another member.

What I hope to end up with will be three 5-1/2" Bisley's. I like and shoot the Bisley's better and I think the 5-1/2" length is a good compromise for sight radius and 'carryability'.

I've met Jim before and he has a stellar reputation and is a pleasure to talk with. His info is at I only wish I could afford his complete package with all the bells and whistles. It is very reasonably priced and arguably a bargain. It's taken me a while to accumulate these and decide to get the work done. They may eventually go back for additional work.
Wounded Knee Floyd":2o8yfs1g said:
macbullet":2o8yfs1g said:
This was for sale a couple years ago....not mine and if I remember correctly a Ruger Forum member bought it.


I personally know the man who had this done, I even slicked up the action a little on it for him and then he sold it. I just told him yesterday that no gun is sacred to him.

I do like the looks of that gun. I don't see me doing one myself but I do like how it looks!
Wounded Knee Floyd said:
macbullet said:
This was for sale a couple years ago....not mine and if I remember correctly a Ruger Forum member bought it.


I personally know the man who had this done, I even slicked up the action a little on it for him and then he sold it. I just told him yesterday that no gun is sacred to him.

Not only is that Bisley Hunter gorgeous... I MUST know what grips those are.
