Anyone have a RecTec smoker/grill?

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Jan 8, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Do you like it? Any pro/con comments? Build quality seems dern good. I have an old propane smoker that is rusting apart, not sure I dare use it anymore for fear the burner may fall out while going. Looking into going with pellets.
As to grills/smokers, I've had an old Weber dome shaped grill for many years. I use Kingsford charcoal briquets plus slabs of oak, hickory or mesquite. Oak and hickory for pork meats, oak blended with mesquite for chicken and beef. Also mesquite for salmon.

But I cock only for myself now, but when there were two of us, that grill wa sufficient.

Bob Wright
We are looking at their Flagship 1100. Recteq seems to be well thought of, I would be interested in your thoughts. I have been using a cheap propane smoker for the past 10 years or so. So, would be switching to a pellet grill/smoker, something new for me. These seem to be well thought of for temperature range, as well.
Sorry to say that I'm not that much up on the pellet smokers. Son has a very nice Pit Boss that he is happy with. EXCEPT when he leaves pellets in the box and auger they expand due to the humidity and that clogs up the feed. When that happens, you must take the feed system apart and clean out the old pellets. A real big pain.
So, you want to make sure that the item you are looking at has an ash and
pellet dump.
I still prefer a smoker and a grill. Yes, they are more a PITA but that is what cooking is all about. :)
Happy smoking. I'll keep the fires a burning for ya.

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