Anyone else love/miss the 'half-lug' look???

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Dec 1, 2007
I own a 3" GP-100 KGPF-330 and and TRYING to acquire a KGPF-340 to go along with it.

The half-lug GP's are soooooo classy looking. I can't get enough!

Anyone else miss those half luggies?

I like the look of the half lug 3" GP100 much better than the full lug 3" version. Just looks right to me.

IMHO, full lugs only look right on Colt Pythons and Diamondbacks.

On anything else, they just look like someone was trying to dress the gun up for Halloween to look like a Python or Diamondback.

So put me down for liking the half-lug. :wink:
hittman":33qmsytz said:
Yeah, I miss the looks of the half-lug but I'm one of those who still thinks the Security Six is a better gun than the GP100!

And prettier too.

no contest...


Full-lugs are fine, if they're done artistically, like the Python, Diamondback, or even Smith's. The full-lug on Ruger's, well, it looks like they decided, "don't finish that lug, as it'll save some money".

As with most things, I'm of two minds. I do like the look, but I also like the full lug look. The latter may be a "Python wannabe", but it's still a good look. I'm biased, though: My first centerfire handgun was a Taurus 669 revolver, a S&W 586 clone. I've still got it, and it's a darn nice gun. It was made back in the days Taurus and S&W were owned by the same company, and produced on old S&W machinery.

But I do like the lighter, trimmer look of the half lug, too.

-- Sam
While I really can't think of a Ruger I would deem a classic, the practical side of me says that extra iron under the tube won't affect accuracy a whit- so why 'lug' it around?
Gary in Pennsylvania":2gzvkbhz said:
I own a 3" GP-100 KGPF-330 and and TRYING to acquire a KGPF-340 to go along with it.

The half-lug GP's are soooooo classy looking. I can't get enough!

Anyone else miss those half luggies?

I have not been able to find a KGPF-340. They are very rare in Calif. I have a Police Service Six 4 inch blued barrel. To me they look so much like the KGPF-340. I also agree that the half lug GP's are not much different from the Six series. I did see on Guns of America from a dealer called Fairfax I believe. Check it out. I can not transfer that revolver to Calif. It I could I would have already bought.

Good luck,
I agree that it looks great on a Python and Diamondback, I own a 6" in each. Smith came out with their 586 (I think) and I thought it was nothing but a wannabe. Looking back I kinda like them, but not as much as their previous barrels.

I admit I like long barrels that hang a little heavy out front though. Colt got it right, Smith got it ok, Ruger missed the mark. My 4" SS Security Six HB looks just fine by me.

As usual, just my dos centavos that won't buy a single primer anymore...
I really prefer the full lug look on guns with short to normal barrels. The half lug looks like a little wart growing under the barrel while the full lug gives a gun a nice profile like a good muscle car.

The line where I change my opinion is somewhere around 5" with a 5" it can look good either way but much longer than that and a half lug becomes more pleasing to the eye.
The half-lug looks and feels awkward to me on a shorter barrel, where I want as much weight out front as I can get. Above about 6" it starts to come into its own.
Owning a KGP 141 I like the additional front weight.
It makes the gun a better pointer and helps steady holding.
It sitds better in an open holster, too.
I like the both. I almost bought a half lug gp100 back in Dec from Davidson on line. But when I went to place the order they had just sold out. So a week later I bought a 5 inch gp100. I wouldnt mind adding a half lug to the mix just to have one. I do love the way the half lug looks on the Redhawks.