Any information on this stainless?

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Well I believe what this is, is a 10/22 carbine stainless steel with a full hardwood stock(ie it comes all the way to the end of the barrel instead of stopping). I think the hardwood stock is something Ruger did at some point in time (not sure when?) and no longer does. Anyone have any information on when they made these or what the value of it is?
They were made off and on from early 90's to early 2000's. You can look up the serial number for a manufacture date on ruger's website. The stock is birch. Only the original 60's version of this rifle was walnut stocked. The last of this version was soldout through cabelas about three or four years ago. I bought two for I believe either 229 or 249. Value seems to be all over the map on these. But it seems that 325 to about 425 is the range depending on condition based on recent gunbroker sales. Hard to tell condition of yours. But it is not new in box so I would have to say probable around 350 375.