Another twist in the Vaquero/New Vaquero name debacle?

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Feb 3, 2009
Memphis, TN
Just cruising through the Ruger website today when I noticed that the fixed-sight single action currently being offered was billed as the "Ruger Vaquero."

The headline notes the gun's introduction in 1993. Paragraph #2 talks about the "mid-sized steel frame and cylinder" being the same as the original Blackhawk, but the phrase "New Vaquero" is never used and the fact that the Vaquero was redesigned into the New Vaquero in 2005 isn't mentioned. The model number scheme doesn't seem to have changed at all (NV-455 as an example).

I didn't see any photos of what model name is roll-stamped on the gun. Has anyone else noted this or seen a very late production gun?

This would be the real problem as the one consistent bit of advice has been: if your gun says, "Vaquero" it is a full-sized Blackhawk frame that allows for hot "Ruger only" .45 Colt loads. If your gun says, "New Vaquero" you need to keep things at standard loads (not just light Cowboy loads).

The mid-size steel frame and cylinder are scaled-down to the same size as the original 1955 Ruger Blackhawk®, closely resembling the classic single-action revolvers of the late 1800's.

I think if you read the "mid-size" part of the above sentence along with "scaled down" that pretty much tells me what I am buying. Along with the fact that Ruger no longer sells the large frame gun and has not since 2006. I don't think there is an issue but there are a lot of people trying to make an issue out of it.
They have sold Vaqueros since 2006, so that statement can be dangerous. There have been quite a few "clean-up" guns made in recent history.

But I agree, the description is very misleading and I sent Ruger a message from their website. Maybe if many of us do, they will correct it. I suggest mentioning the Vaquero - New Vaquero situation and misleading buyers of New Vaqueros (now listed as Vaqueros) into thinking that they can use "Ruger Only" loads in their new revolvers. Doing so will prevent some misled handloader from maming or even killing himself.
Regarding the "Ruger Only" load usage, IMO, this comes down to the shooter knowing what they have and knowing what's safe and what isn't. There's factory loaded, commercially marketed ammo that's above SAAMI specs and it's these HOT loads that people will cause the damage with. Hopefully Ruger will keep the "New Vaquero" rollmark on their fixed sighted SA's so people don't get mixed up. it is years later and people still think there's "Old Model" Vaqueros. :roll:
no sad to say ,. the factory cannot seem to get it :right" had it wrong for years with the standard autos and Mark I's....then new model, "Old model"...and here we come to the 2005/6 ear and they have done it again, with the Vaquero/New Vaquero and other models of "single action" revolvers...try and order a "new " pair of grip panels.......let them figure out which frame YOU have or want to put them on...egads
This is NOT "rocket science"........ :roll:
Here's the boiler plate response that I got...

Response: All of our firearms are designed to handle all US Industry Standard Ammunition made to SAMMI Spec.

Pathetic at best, dangerous at worst.
Has Ruger removed the New Vaquero roll mark off of the gun? Also, was the original Vaquero offered in Ruger's catalog in 2006?
If Ruger offers the .44 spl in the Vaquero, I would stand in line to buy one.....We can only hope.
pvtschultz":3tcccek6 said:
Here's the boiler plate response that I got...

Response: All of our firearms are designed to handle all US Industry Standard Ammunition made to SAMMI Spec.

Pathetic at best, dangerous at worst.

That's simply the legal disclaimer they need due to the "not my fault" sue-happy society we live in. Any firearm needs to meet those minimum requirements I'd think. Go above and beyond those standards and well, you're on your own regardless of what the ammo maker claims.

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