Another NEW LIPSEY’s Exclusive. 327 Magnum

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May 8, 2006
Get one while you can, I'm sure they will be available for a while.
However just like the Birdshead, they will dry up.
If you don't like the Bisley stuff,,, switching grip frame, hammer, trigger is way easier.
Good luck!! This model has been on Lipsey's website for at least 3 years, maybe 4. At this time there are only 12 that are known to have made it out of the factory, and one of those was customized.
Lipseys just released 20 of them today.
Was told that's all they're going to make.
2 more headed here. That makes 4 total out of the 32 made. Not a bad ratio....😀
Lipsey's goes to all the Promotion and only make 32 of them??? Doesn't make sense,,,
or maybe it does make CENT'S. 🙄

that top gun with the drift front sight and the Stags is sure a looker.
Lipsey's goes to all the Promotion and only make 32 of them??? Doesn't make sense,,,
or maybe it does make CENT'S. 🙄

that top gun with the drift front sight and the Stags is sure a looker.
Thank you. That was the prototype pitched to Lipsey's and they decided to go with the standard front blade for simplicity.
Lipsey's goes to all the Promotion and only make 32 of them??? Doesn't make sense,,,
or maybe it does make CENT'S. 🙄

that top gun with the drift front sight and the Stags is sure a looker.
It isn't Lipsey's, it is Ruger. The 5168 has buyers, but Ruger won't make them. Ruger is too interested in churning out Glock clones, wranglers and cheap centerfire rifles which makes Ruger's shareholders cringe at Ruger's much lower GP in the last few years.
They're only making 32?? I've been on the lookout for the blued Bisley model, or the "Shopkeeper" model for quite a while now ... and then they offer the best of both worlds and they're only making 32 of them?? Is it even worth the startup costs? That's disappointing.
That was BS when somebody at Ruger talked about startup costs for different cataloged models. Ruger has production "cells", which means maybe one employee sits at his workstation and has everything he needs to put together 500 Single-Sixes. The production line is syncronized in such a way as to have 500 sets of parts ready at that workstation to be assembled. Change it to Blackhawks, you change the parts flow.
Startup costs for a new product... yes I can see that.
Currently there are several models that Ruger continues to list on their website where they only produce a few hundred of each every single year. Only 200 regular series Bearcats have been shipped since the end of 2022, and etc.
Ruger is adament at producing cheap models, even though there is demand for expensive models.
Hopefully more of these start showing up. I'll be honest, if they keep teasing really desirable guns, that turn out to be unobtainium, it will eventually turn me off to either the distributor, or the brand. :(

I was just looking at Gallery of guns, and there are more and more Ruger revolvers showing in stock than the last time I looked. Maybe they are finally throwing some production at the revolver lines.
….. if they keep teasing really desirable guns, that turn out to be unobtainium, it will eventually turn me off to either the distributor, or the brand. :(
I agree. That hit me in 2011. When Ruger announced the SR1911 was in the works I was very interested. I'd never owned a 1911.

None of the 4 stores in my small town even had one to sell until 2012. I find no joy in internet shopping and at that time they were bringing MSRP plus $100 or more "on line".

My experience is nothing has changed since then. In fact, it may have gotten worse.
I actually like ordering through Gallery of guns. I know exactly how much it will cost beforehand, and I have used the notify feature several times for out of stock models I want. Heck, if I had a reasonable expectation that something would be available within a reasonable time, I'd be willing to put a deposit on a model I want to reserve it, and help them gauge serious interest.

This bit of popping something up with little notice, and sending a few to select dealers is annoying. I'll bet that a good number of them never make it out of the shop and get bought by a dealer who collects, or an employee.

Oh well, I've got tons of newish toys to play with, so no sense worrying about it!
48flyer, those are a couple of very nice revolvers. I really like the inclusion of the dovetailed front sight on the first one, a very practical move!
Hey guys a lot of bad information in this thread. First this is not limited to 30 something units. Ruger nor us would waste our time with that qty. We have several hundred on order. They finally made a small batch after several years and these went to Tyler Gun Works since this configuration was at their request and they agreed to take a portion of the run. The original gun did not have a dovetailed front sight. Trust me if Ruger would do that at the factory we would order them that way. Contrary to some of the comments our special runs don't just go to a few select dealers. We have 60 in house sales reps who all get equal amounts of any new exclusive model to sell to their customers. They are actively calling on those accounts the second the guns are released. No distributor orders an exclusive run and sits on them waiting for customers to call in. Usually after the first couple of shipments we get enough in that we have them in open inventory that are up for grabs.

I got a few emails about this one and they mentioned this thread so I wanted to clear up any confusion.
Hey guys a lot of bad information in this thread. First this is not limited to 30 something units. Ruger nor us would waste our time with that qty. We have several hundred on order.
How about your exclusive model # 8160 327 , it has been on Rugers site for a long time . That's the one I and my SIL are waiting on . Anytime soon ? .......Thanks.

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