Here is a gun that many folks might not take a second glance at if they saw it at a gun show, but the adjustable sight Security Six is rare in .38 Special. There were a few known runs of 4" and 6" guns made in .38 but the 2.75" is a real hen's tooth! And this one is a Liberty to boot. I believe this is the first and only known example of a Liberty RDA82.
Just brought it home last night. Pardon the odd lighting, I was holding a posterboard up between the gun and the light to knock off the reflection but only seem to have managed to shade the barrel and front of the frame. It has a fairly high polish finish but also a lot of finish wear, especially to the backstrap. But you can't be too picky when you find a needle in a haystack model.

Just brought it home last night. Pardon the odd lighting, I was holding a posterboard up between the gun and the light to knock off the reflection but only seem to have managed to shade the barrel and front of the frame. It has a fairly high polish finish but also a lot of finish wear, especially to the backstrap. But you can't be too picky when you find a needle in a haystack model.