Andy Horvath Li'l Gun - 41 Special

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Sep 16, 2007
Dallas, OR US
Andy Horvath finished the 41 Special he had been working on for awhile this last week. It started as on OM 357 that he rechambered to 41 Special, tightened up the action, installed a Smith & Wesson ribbed model 57 barrel cut to 4" along with a steel ERH, white outline sights, polished and rounded grip frame and Sambar stag panels. He does a great job and he has one of the quickest turn around times I've found. A whale of a nice guy to talk with to boot. Can't wait to get some rounds loaded up and take it out.
Nice. Have you ordered any properly stamped brass yet? A guy in Texas had 50K made and I bought 500 for my Single Six at a very, very good price.
I had previously boughten 150 rounds from Midway as it was available but when I saw the guy with bulk brass I snagged 500 rounds of the Starline he had for sale. The local machine shop shortened a RCBS 41 die the thickness of the 44 Mag/44 Special spacer ring and I should be good to go.
Pete, the guys name with the 41 Special brass is Gary Peck, 8703 FM 1701, Avery TX, 75554. I'm not sure how much he has left but I'd write him or try and find a phone number and see if he has any more. I bouhgt mine in Feb of this year. Good luck, Robb
Thanks for the lead, but I'm striking out from both sides of the plate.
Google can't find him.

Anybody have a phone no?


Never mind, sent him a PM on cast boolit forum.

Words don't do justice to the beautiful workmanship and quality
of the finished weapon :shock: It leaves me breathless :!: I have always felt the Special should have been offered either first or as another offering for the .41 Mag. It has been a dream of mine for years to own a .41 special; but I would have to sell every other gun I own to own such a magnificent piece of workmanship. Can one be had for under a K, give or take a very little? :idea: I'm ready to start selling off some toys.
I don't see why one couldn't be done for under $1,000 based on a couple of criteria. First one would already need the midframe sized 357 whether an OM or the 50th Anniv. Second, a person would have to basically keep it to a cylinder rebore and either rebore the factory barrel or supply a 41 caliber barrel. A used blackhawk 41 barrel was on GB for $80 for weeks and no one bought it. These two basic steps and you have your 41 Special. It is that simple.

From there the sky is the limit depending upon what you want to do. I always wanted a CCH gun so I added that feature. I also snagged a model 57 Smith & Wesson barrel off GB for around $125 and it was extra to have the ejector rod area machined off etc. I also wanted the cylinder linebored rather than simply rebored which in turn raised the price. The factory hammer would be fine but I had a Clements bisley hammer in the parts box so I sent it along. Due to the use of the Smith barrel we had to reblue the balance of the gun as well. All this stuff was extras that drive the cost up but are unnecessary if a person simply wants a neat 41 Special done. Andy does a great job and he has very reasonable lead times and I'm already planning my next one by him.
Pete, you are right, the 41 Mag would have fit but I have plenty of 41 Mags hiding in the safe so it was more of desire for something unique than necessary. To a lot of guys it would be a waste of time when you could just shoot mags or load them down to Special levels but I'm kind of strange that way. It is the same way on the brass, sure you can cut Mag brass down but I like the idea of properly stamped and sized brass so that is what I bought. I have an OM 357 converted by John Gallagher to a 4" 41 Mag Bisley and I love it but like John Taffin has his hunt for the PPP, perfect packin pistol, this gun in 41 Special fits well in my quest. In fact, Bowen is currently working on a 41 Special on an OM 357 flat top that will have an octagon barrel, #5 base pin latch and 2 piece Colt style grip frame modified for one piece grips. Take care, Robb
Robb, no problemo, I understand the feeling all too well. :shock:
My contributions to the H Bowen retirement fund have been sizeable.
Lately been trying to decide between your approach or a very mild-mannered 41 Spec on a Single six a la Boxhead's beauty from Alan Harton.
Some event or other will come along and make the decision for me, no doubt!

Oh there is definitely an Alan H. or John G single six 41 Special in the future. I've just got to clear up the projects that are currently out there first but that time is getting closer every day! :D
I had Allen make a single -six 41 special after I saw the one he did for Boxhead. I do consider it the perfect packing pistol. I carried it every day that I was deer hunting this past season which was from every weekend from Oct. to Feb. I will have to learn how to post a picture to let you all see the fine work Alan does. :D

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