American Ranch (Gen I) 7.62x39 optics suggestions

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Nov 13, 2022
Florida Gulf Coast
Good evening all,
I picked up a first generation American Ranch rifle in 7.62x39 from Bass Pro last weekend to be used mostly as a suppressor host. It cost a whopping $455.27 after a $100 discount and my 5% military discount. I was originally planning to put a Vortex Crossfire II Scout scope on it, but after further research it doesn't sound like a good fit as the scope would be mounted over the action, too far back. I'm thinking a 1-4x "AR" scope or even maybe a red dot as it will likely only be used at ranges under 100 yards with subsonic loads. Any suggestions?/
I favor the Crosfire II 2-7x32 for the smaller rifles and this is what I'm using on my Ruger Ranch 6.5 Grendel. It seems more apporporiate and doesn't add as much weight as bigger glass. Which brings up the next comment: many of the 'AR' scopes are heavy and bulky--even the 1-4x versions. I have and use dot optics especially on the AR 'pistols' but they don't allow the precise aiming that I desire.
I haven't tried the 7.62x39 sub-sonic but if it performs similar to the 300 AAC, it's not spectacular by any means.YMMV
I haven't tried the 7.62x39 sub-sonic but if it performs similar to the 300 AAC, it's not spectacular by any means.YMMV

having used neither but being interested in both can you expand on your statement
maybe something like this

I favor the Crosfire II 2-7x32 for the smaller rifles and this is what I'm using on my Ruger Ranch 6.5 Grendel. It seems more apporporiate and doesn't add as much weight as bigger glass. Which brings up the next comment: many of the 'AR' scopes are heavy and bulky--even the 1-4x versions. I have and use dot optics especially on the AR 'pistols' but they don't allow the precise aiming that I desire.
I haven't tried the 7.62x39 sub-sonic but if it performs similar to the 300 AAC, it's not spectacular by any means.YMMV
The subsonic loads I'm seeing are pretty close to the typical 300 BO. My son is enamored of the 300 BO and has a good can to go on the Ranch we got him for Christmas. I'm already *lightly* invested in 7.62x39 with my Mini 30 so I bought my Ranch in that chambering … The only Crossfire II 2-7x32 I'm seeing other than the Scout is the Rimfire version …
I have one so chambered, and mine wears a Leupold VX-Freedom 1.5-4x with the MOA-Ring reticle, in low Warne Vapor rings & I love it. I just don't require much magnification for my typical hunting situation around my heavily wooded area...

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I favor the Crosfire II 2-7x32 for the smaller rifles and this is what I'm using on my Ruger Ranch 6.5 Grendel. It seems more apporporiate and doesn't add as much weight as bigger glass. Which brings up the next comment: many of the 'AR' scopes are heavy and bulky--even the 1-4x versions. I have and use dot optics especially on the AR 'pistols' but they don't allow the precise aiming that I desire.
I haven't tried the 7.62x39 sub-sonic but if it performs similar to the 300 AAC, it's not spectacular by any means.YMMV
Mobuck, what height rings are you using? Medium or high?
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Pretty sure they're 'medium'--just high enough for the bolt handle to clear the eyepiece. I like to keep the scope as low as possible to maintain a good cheekweld. As Hawk's post illustrates, there are 3 versions of the Crossfire II and as you already determined, you DO NOT want the 'SCOUT' version.
Sub-sonic ammo: Since we have 2 suppressors that are limited to sub-sonic ammo in the short 10.5" barrels, we've used Hornady and Gorilla brands of sub-sonic 300AAC ammo for 5-6 seasons. The Hornady terminal performance is 'IFFY' at best. Even at very short range, it still fails to expand reliably. The Gorilla brand with the LeHigh bullets is much better but currently around $70 for 20 rounds. That's a lot but it certainly works as advertised. One just has to understand the limitations of ANY rifle caliber bullet with a muzzle velocity of 1000fps. I don't feel the sub-sonic is a worthwhile handicap or is an advantage when using a suppressor for deer hunting(except when required by the muffler limitations).
We don't have accuracy problems with the 300 using sub-sonics but I haven't tried the Hornady 7.62x39 sub-sonic.
I put a Trijicon Accupoint 3x9x40 with a green dot on the crosshairs on my CZ 527 carbine in 7.62x39.

I now currently own at least four Trijicon scopes, all the same as above, all for hunting purposes.
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I think the 7.62x39 will be a poor choice for a subsonic 100yd suppressor host rifle.
1. 7.62x39 has bore diam .310-.312. Chk your Ruger, if it will handle miltary surplus ammo it has larger bore diam than 'our' .308. This will greatly limit your bullet option
2. Easiest way to shoot subsonic is short bbls, w heavy bullets
For suppressor host, would hav been lot easier, more data, better bullet selection with 300 BlkOut. All You were wanting is 1000fps
I hav several Holosun 510C on various platforms. I hav one on a PTR32. Fits my bill! Keep us in loop on your quest
^^The only 7.62x39 sub-sonic hunting ammo factory option I'm aware of is from Hornady.
If the Ruger is actually a .308 bore, that actually improves the possibilities of reloading to sub-sonic velocity. Takes an extra step to properly size the case neck to securely hold the smaller .308 bullet but not too difficult. Twist rate becomes the limiting factor. My experience indicates that 1-8 twist is 'good enough' for sub-sonics up to 200 grains but becomes a bit unstable over 200.
Prvi Partisan offers a subsonic 7.62x39 round at reasonable prices. Check out; they have a YouTube video on their page for this ammo. They tested it with a Gen I American Ranch! I'm also set up to reload so I'll eventually get around to experimenting with that.
My son had an AR pistol in .300 BO and reloaded using cast powder coated bullets with good results. Unfortunately his 111 year old farm house burned to the ground almost three years ago, and everything went up in flames. He had several thousand rounds of reloaded ammunition that cooked off too. The poor firefighters were a little shell-shocked. I'll eventually work up a good subsonic load and go that route.
I went with 7.62x39 because I have a Mini 30, and can shoot less expensive factory ammo too. It won't be all subsonic.

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