am looking to correct a past mistake

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Mar 5, 2006
About 10-12 years ao I bought a fixer upper from J&G. It was a 5" barrel colt army special. I scrounged up parts and put a mt blue finish on it.... then promptly sold for a profit...
If any of you guy's out there run across an old beater of an army special (fixin it up is part of the appeal)... let me know okay!
Actually a Colt 1917 in .45 olt would make an acceptable substitute. I'm lokin for one to carry anf use in rough country, not a display piece...

Thanks all...

Was in a local shop today and I think what I saw were two Army Specials, both fixer uppers. One in .41 Long Colt for $375 with super tight action, but with a patina finish (likely a police gun stamped with officers name and "Denver" under bbl -very small stampings) and a .38 in better looking condition for $400. Give em a call and see if these are what you're looking for.

Green Mt. Guns Lakewood, CO 303-985-7240. They will sell over the phone and ship to your FFL. Guns have been there for awhile (consignment) and the owner/s may take an offer lower than the marked price. hope this helps.
I bought a 'trotline sinker grade' Army Special several years ago for $79. It was a six inch .32-20 with a badly pitted bore with two (yes, two) bulges in it. I managed to find a like-new OEM barrel (5"), and sent the mess off to a gunsmith.

He called me a while later and asked if I realized that the frame was bent when I sent it to him. No, actually I didn't. He straightened it and rebarreled it, and finished it in a matte blue. I really enjoy that old gun, but I would never buy another one in that condition. By the time I got it back, I had enough invested in it that I could have bought a much, much nicer condition gun to begin with.
thanks for the contact info. I will give them call this coming week.
I know that fier uppers can get as if not more expensive than just going out and buying, but I can manage most repairs, rebluing etc.. And anything I can't... well... I have people!

ciao ya'll...

