Worst one that I ever did, and I'm lucky to still have my sight: When I was a kid, maybe 11-12, we had an old lawnmower with the old fashioned starter that did not retract its pull rope: The rope had a big knot in one end that fit in a groove in the starter wheel, you manually wrapped the rope around the wheel, and pulled.
Well, one time that rope came off the wheel when I pulled, and that big knot came back and hit me square in the eyeball, wide open, no glasses, protection, or nothin'. I was writhing around on the lawn for about 10 minutes, not sure if I was ever going to see out of that eye again.
Another time I caught someone's finger in my eye as we were both jumping up for a basketball. That one scratched my cornea, and I had to use an ointment for a week.
Just a few years ago, when I first too up reloading, I trimmed about 100 .243 cases, and even though I was wearing glasses, one eye felt really irritated. I happened to go to the eye dr. shortly after that for a checkup, and he found a little sliver of brass embedded in my eyeball.
Wear those glasses!
-- Sam