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Jan 18, 2009
I know it goes without saying. The other night I was detail stripping and cleaning and oiling a J P Saur and Son K-98K (which I can do in my sleep). While reassembling the striker and bolt shroud, the shroud slipped out of my hand and dented my forehead, really bloody. ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GLASSES, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING.
Yep, sage advice that took me a few years to understand & get smart enough to follow. I was young & dumb once. Luckily I haven't had any eye injuries. (others, but not my eyes.)
I had a felt polishing bob fly off my Dremel (I know), slip underneath my prescription glasses and strike me in the eye once. Fortunately all it did was make my eye sore. Also fortunately, it made a believer out of me - I wear safety glasses if I'm handling anything more dangerous than paper now!
I've been under a car using a cutoff wheel, had an object rattle around the safety glasses, and gotten a dirty "YOU'RE LYING" look from a doctor about wearing safety glasses, while he was removing it from my eye a couple of days later. Buffers are no joke either. When I was 18 or 19 I was working a piece of 1/4" brass that was a W about 8" on an old buffer probably for chrome car bumpers, and the wheel bit the W, bounced it off my boot (between two toes, luckily) and stuck it in a plywood wall. My toes were tender for a few days.
I have several problems with safety glasses:

>They tend to fog up on me.
>Or they won't stay put over my eyes if I'm under a car, the movement of my head and face seems to move them up and then there's no protection.
>Some of them distort the vision to the point you just can't see well enough to do the work.
>The plastic they are made of is uncleanable. Once they get the slightest bit dirty you gotta toss them. No matter how you try to clean them the lenses get scratched and are then useless.

I'd love to find a set of safety glasses that I can afford that won't do the above things.

Having said all that, so you guys don't jump my case, I have several sets of safety glasses that I use.
I'm just not thrilled with any of them.

I just picked up a set of safety magnifiers online that i paid $22 for and they are worth it. I have trouble with the eyes now at age 50 so the front sight is a problem for me. I finally found these and im glad i did, i was using those glasses with the inserts but theyre a pain cause i got to keep tilting my head but these are a full +1.50 all around and theyre great.
Its especially good for when i working on guns also, feel safer than wearing reg readers.
Worst one that I ever did, and I'm lucky to still have my sight: When I was a kid, maybe 11-12, we had an old lawnmower with the old fashioned starter that did not retract its pull rope: The rope had a big knot in one end that fit in a groove in the starter wheel, you manually wrapped the rope around the wheel, and pulled.

Well, one time that rope came off the wheel when I pulled, and that big knot came back and hit me square in the eyeball, wide open, no glasses, protection, or nothin'. I was writhing around on the lawn for about 10 minutes, not sure if I was ever going to see out of that eye again.

Another time I caught someone's finger in my eye as we were both jumping up for a basketball. That one scratched my cornea, and I had to use an ointment for a week.

Just a few years ago, when I first too up reloading, I trimmed about 100 .243 cases, and even though I was wearing glasses, one eye felt really irritated. I happened to go to the eye dr. shortly after that for a checkup, and he found a little sliver of brass embedded in my eyeball.

Wear those glasses!

-- Sam
okierugershooter":1dnrcjo5 said:
Didn't hurt the shroud did it? :lol: :oops:
I can only think of one Okie I've ever known personally, is that you Steph?

Another quick one, when I was about 13 or 14 I was using some super glue on a model airplane and blew on it to get it to go where I wanted it. In my eye wasn't wanted it, must have held my eye open for five minutes in fear of my eye being glued closed. It was about 9 PM, so my angry parents took me to the ER because of irritation, and probably got out about 2 AM. Got to wear an eyepatch for Thanksgiving. I can still feel those bad vibes.
I was in high school at basketball practice and a buddy kicked a ball as hard as he could and it hit me square in the eye. I didn't even have time to blink. I thought my eye exploded, but luckily there wasn't any damage. Friends are great, aren't they?