Albus is gone

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Nov 19, 2023
Sad news my next door neighbors dog albus was put down yesterday. We are really sad he was like our dog any chance he gets out first thing he does is comes knocking on our front door he loved it here even when we take him for weeks in summer the neighbors come home he does want to leave our house . Anyway we our very sad and miss him a lot . He was like our dog also RIP albus
We felt the same when my daughter's dog had to be put down. We always watched him when they went away or when our granddaughters spent the night. He was the best dog. We still miss him too.
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I know how you feel. It's very sad to lose good dogs. My daughter's friend had a dog that died. They found out she had cancer and was gone in a week. She was a Rhodesian Ridgeback, which is a very interesting dog. I only saw it when I picked my daughter up from the friends house. But apparently very nice dogs.
The girl in my avatar was a Ridgeback mix. She was one of those dogs that would "smile" by showing her teeth when she was embarrassed or meeting someone new. She scared a lot of people because of that and the "ridge" of hair sticking up on her back all the time.

I'm sorry about the loss of your pal.
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Sad news my next door neighbors dog albus was put down yesterday. We are really sad he was like our dog any chance he gets out first thing he does is comes knocking on our front door he loved it here even when we take him for weeks in summer the neighbors come home he does want to leave our house . Anyway we our very sad and miss him a lot . He was like our dog also RIP albus
And Albus is such a great name for a dog too. I'm really sorry.
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Man sorry to hear that. It about kills me when I lose a dog.
I know how you feel. It's very sad to lose good dogs. My daughter's friend had a dog that died. They found out she had cancer and was gone in a week. She was a Rhodesian Ridgeback, which is a very interesting dog. I only saw it when I picked my daughter up from the friends house. But apparently very nice dogs.
Ridgebacks are great dogs. My wife had them when she was growing up.
Thanks for all the prayers guys albus was really special my dog Lola will really miss him they got along so good when it was bed time both dogs would know and had there own special bed in our bedroom they wouldn't get up till we did man I going miss him . Lola can't get into trouble anymore no one to protect her albus was her protector
The girl in my avatar was a Ridgeback mix. She was one of those dogs that would "smile" by showing her teeth when she was embarrassed or meeting someone new. She scared a lot of people because of that and the "ridge" of hair sticking up on her back all the time.

My Yellow Lab was a " smiler" too. So sorry to hear about Albus. It's about as bad as losing a child to me. They hold a special place in your heart. RIP Albus.
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It's difficult, surely. I had to help my companion and best buddy of 10 years cross the Rainbow Bridge last August. We rescued Buckshot the dapple dachshund from a hoarder when he was just shy of five years old. He was heartworm positive and had to suffer through the treatments, but was always a happy boy. I was his human, and he was my shadow. It's still difficult to think about it. We still have two mini dachshunds and a 2-1/2 year old 120# Colorado Mountain Dog to help ease the pain, but I still miss him.
Maybe it's a personality trait gone wrong but I feel more for the passing of dogs than I do for most people.

I once read a signature file / quote from Will Rogers that read...

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.".

Nuff said.
I'm sorry for your loss.
They do leave a hole in you when they go.
RIP Albus

Maybe it's a personality trait gone wrong but I feel more for the passing of dogs than I do for most people.

I once read a signature file / quote from Will Rogers that read...

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.".

Nuff said.
I agree totally
Sir, so sorry to hear about your loss. Have lost many over my 78 years, and each one was a great companion. You have others to help comfort you in your loss, you will have many fond memories, I'm sure.
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