Yesterday I took my 10/22 out to the range to get it tuned up for a shooting contest today. I had everything all figured out with notes on how to shoot at 25, 50, 75, 100, yds. Well, today I go to the range to do the contest and I missed all the 4 1/2" steel plates at 100 yds and was off to the left on the 110 yd paper target. Now after the practice session at range all I did was lube it and clean around the extractor. I didn't disassemble gun. But, I did tighten up the band that holds the barrel to the stock. Would that be enough to make me shoot to the left. My 10/22 is just the cheap carbine so I don't expect great accuracy, but it was way off to the left and it didn't group very good at all. The day before I had a nice cluster right in the center. Do you think the gun was off or maybe competition just got to me and I was pulling it to the left? If I had shot a great group, but left, I would be conviced it was the rifle, but I was off to left, but not in a group. My second round of shooting was better on the paper, but I still missed all the 4 1/2" steel at 100yds. What shooting error makes a guy shoot leftward?