a question on pistol loads

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Tommy Kelly

Apr 24, 2008
Years ago I loaded only rifle ammo and never had a problem I loaded very accurate ammo for my rifles that always shot great. Then I got a 44 mag pistol and bought dies and all for it. Now this is about 30 years ago we are talking about so I don't remember the loads but I tried several different powders Ithink it was blue dot green dot and unique. The problem I had was that the sound wasn't consistent the loads shot ok but there was a difference in the report of the shots in a cylinder full of bullets. I was always and still am today very ticky about my loads and trickled every load. This really worried me so I quit loading any pistol ammo. A couple of years ago I got into pistols and started loading again for pistols but now I use 2400 or h110 or trailboss. For my pistol loads and don't notice any different sounding loads now. I am very satisfyed with all my loads and they shoot great. What do youall think my problem was years ago to get the variations in the sound of the loads. I know it wasn't a varying powder load it had to be the powders or maybe the crimping pressure. I have wondered about this for years and refused to try pistol loads for years because the sound wasn't consistent in my loads. Back then chronograph's were almost non existent. I have shot several loads of my ammo over a chrony and the sd is always very close around 15 to 20 fps difference in a 10 shot string not bad for a balance beam scale loader.
could have been inconsistent primer ignition.
blount industeries came up with a breakthru in primer consistentcy in the mid 80s .
Could it be that your loads were at right around the speed of sound (@ 1100 fps)? With some over and some under, that could account for a difference in sound. This is quite common shooting cheap .22 ammo in rifles.

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