A pattern is emerging

Help Support Ruger Forum:

Nov 30, 2022
Some of us have been supporters of the gun rights, shooting sports, reloading hobbies etc, for more than 60 years. (I am 76 years old and been involved with the industry 60+ years.) We have personal experience that verify and vilify current approaches and thoughts on a subject. To protect, support, or debunk these notions we share our firsthand experiences and knowledge. We are just trying to save you young "whipper snappers" from yourselves.
I remember all the Geezers telling me that I should take it easier or I'll regret it. If you Live Hard and don't Die Young you live to regret it!
Mar 25, 2024
NE Arizona
I will turn 80 next year and it's still hard for me to believe. It really dawns on me when you start making decisions about repairs and updates around the house and you talk about how long they will last, 10 years, 20 years and then I think wait a minute, 10 years from now old Bill very likely won't be around to worry about it.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I refer to our age as the end of life phase. There are projects, like a new deck, that my wife wants...why? She keeps telling me "Don't you realize that those new guns you keep buying are just going to end up with your kids fight over them". When we make an upgrade to the house I tell her that what ever we do only has to last as long as us. blah, blah, blah, it's reality.
Mar 14, 2017
I refer to our age as the end of life phase. There are projects, like a new deck, that my wife wants...why? She keeps telling me "Don't you realize that those new guns you keep buying are just going to end up with your kids fight over them". When we make an upgrade to the house I tell her that what ever we do only has to last as long as us. blah, blah, blah, it's reality.
My wife says, I don't know what I'm going to do with all those guns when you die.
I said, why do you always assume I'm going to die first? You're older than me.