9mm reloads?

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Sep 6, 2008
I just bought RugerP95. I am an old revolver guy.

Does anyone have lead reloads that they like for 9mm?

I have been doing some experimenting and 3.6 gr. Bullseye with 125 LRN seems to work pretty good

yeah, I reload 9mm using 125gr lead bullets. I use the starting load data because these are just for target shooting and I don't want to take a chance on leading up my barrel, which is easy to do in a 9mm. I use 5.5grs of AA#5 for my lead reloads and FMJ loads are with 6.5 grs. This works for me. LM

I shoot a lot of nines using 124 gr LRNs (Lee tumble lube mold, straight wheelweights) pushed by a starting load of Green Dot. I don't have my book here, but it's right out of the Alliant book: www.alliantpowder.com

I also shoot both lead and jacketed propelled by the now obsolete Win 540. Hodgdon's says it's identical to HS-6, so you can check their site for the HS-6 recipes. Again, I stick w/ starting loads.

A buddy's shot untold 10's of 1000's of 125 gr LRNs using a starting load of Red Dot (back to the Alliant book!) He says they're virtually identical in performance to his loads using Bullseye, but he settled on RD cuz he loads 12 ga trap loads w/ it and likes keeping a minimum number of powders on the shelf.

Rick C
recently started reloading 9mm myself. I tried 4.6 and 4.3g Bullseye because it was some published data I had, but they seemed too hot, so I am at 4.0g and doing well.
I shot a lot of 124 grain lead bullets in 9 with 4.5 grains of WW231 (HP38 is same thing). The cool thing about this load was that it was also good behind 158 grain lead in .38 Special--one powder measure setting worked for both.
I shoot a lot of cast 9mm bullets.
Most are cast using Lee 125gr mold and Alox lube.
I load them with 4.2gr of Winchester 231 using CCI or Winchester primers (can't bee choosy these days). Loaded to OAL of 1.155" they are very reliable in all pistols I've tried. This load gives me around 1,050 fps from my pistols.
Back when I reloaded for 9mm, I used 124gr LRN, and Herco powder. Problem is I can buy 9mm cheaper at WalMart than I can reload it.
Back when I reloaded for 9mm, I used 124gr LRN, and Herco powder. Problem is I can buy 9mm cheaper at WalMart than I can reload it.


Using lead, you should be able to load a box for under $6.00. Last I saw Walmart was at $10 when you could find it.
Jeff H":20j70i3c said:
Back when I reloaded for 9mm, I used 124gr LRN, and Herco powder. Problem is I can buy 9mm cheaper at WalMart than I can reload it.


Using lead, you should be able to load a box for under $6.00. Last I saw Walmart was at $10 when you could find it.

Yep..it comes out to just about $5.25......using hp38...cast 125gr lrn

I'm Brok :mrgreen:
So I guess you're saying you can buy factory 9MM at gunshows for about $2.40 per box of 50 ?

Where, please.

Never bought less than a case (1000) of 9mm and have not had to buy any for a few years. I don't recall the case of ChiCom ammo's price but it was low enough that I split 5 cases with my brother in law. I will ask him if he remembers and I will check next gun show prices. I will check the wooden cases I have left for prices marking.
I can remember buying 7.62x39 Russian HP in a big sardine can for $1.20 per box of 20.
volshooter":2lpyjl6u said:
I can remember buying 7.62x39 Russian HP in a big sardine can for $1.20 per box of 20.

Being able to 'remember' buying anything for a given price has absolutely no bearing on what things cost in today's market. We can all remember $75 1000 rounds of 7.62 and $100 1000 rounds of 223.

That isn't the case anymore ... it's pretty much 4 times those amounts. I'd say you haven't been shooting much OR buying ammo in the last 5 years or so.

Talked to my brother in law and he rembers $129 a case/1000.
I do not recall but I remember it was a steal.

I don't have to buy ammo often because I buy in bulk when the getting is good and I reload.

It would have to be real bad before I would buy one box of ammo.

I guess I am either a smart shopper or just a hoarder. 7.62x39 and .223 jumped 300% in the fall of 1999. Mre's went over a c note a case. Bunch of dunbasses. Feb-March 2000 I bought MRE's for $20 a case and 7.62x39 for beer money.

Right now 550 packs of Remington .22 LR is $15 at Walmart. They don't get allot in but is does come. That same box fetches $28 at gun shows.

I am going to the gun show Sunday and will note ammo prices.

I am real glad I don't one or need ammo for the .380. Rumor has it that .380 will no longer be avaliable in the US. At gun shows .380 "on sale" is fetching 28$ for 20 rounds.
I own and can buy .460 ammo for the same price as .380.
I got a few boxes of Remington .380, I think I will give them out as christmas gifts to owners of .380's.

I may be out of date on ammo prices but I have an ample supply of needed reloading goodies. 8)
Oh yea, REV, when you have plenty it is really not relevent. I'm not worried about todays prices when I'm fixed for several years. I prepaired.
Am I the only one here who saw this comming? Surely not. I still have SKS's in the grease, bought for less than $100 somewhere around here.

4 foot of 4 inch pvc with a clean out on both ends will hold a greased SKS and a few rounds of ammo. Dig a hole and put less than $150 bucks in the ground, better than putting money in the bank. At least with the SKS you have the means to keep what you have.

Don't panic buy, invest when deals are right.
Getting real tired of one box at a time buyers bitching about high prices. Do you buy 2 gallons of gas when it is cheap???
Ammo is an investment..............Any bids on .223, .308, 9mm???? .
volshooter":2k29p4no said:
Oh yea, REV, when you have plenty it is really not relevent. I'm not worried about todays prices when I'm fixed for several years. I prepaired.
Am I the only one here who saw this comming? Surely not. I still have SKS's in the grease, bought for less than $100 somewhere around here.

4 foot of 4 inch pvc with a clean out on both ends will hold a greased SKS and a few rounds of ammo. Dig a hole and put less than $150 bucks in the ground, better than putting money in the bank. At least with the SKS you have the means to keep what you have.

Don't panic buy, invest when deals are right.
Getting real tired of one box at a time buyers bitching about high prices. Do you buy 2 gallons of gas when it is cheap???
Ammo is an investment..............Any bids on .223, .308, 9mm???? .

I also have enough reloading components to keep me going for several years, talking about SPP in the 25K range and about 15K LPP and enough powder and lead to more than equal the primers, however, I do not purchase gun show reloads as they are the reason I started reloading over 30 years ago.

My wife is always amazed at my collection of Blue Maxwell House Coffee plastic cans on the garage wall filled with those little brass items.

Ah, the life of a long time reloader and hoarder of components.
Went to the Knoxvill gunshow today.
Yes prices have gone up! More than I thought.
While there were no cases there I was quoted $325-400 per 1000.
.380 was $28 a box
7.62x54R could be had for $90 for 2 sardine cans.
Mosan nagants $190 out the door.
I seen quite a bit of .50bmg for sale, had not seen that in a while.
I still have no plans on reloading the 9mm. I do not shoot enough of them to warrent it.
I guess I'm a hoarder. I checked and I have 9 cans of WW296, that is more than I will ever use as I only use it for the .44mag.

Sorry for my tone REV. I got out of line here.

If good 9mm ammo can be reloaded for 3 bucks a box then it would be worth it. I haven't been on a reloading binge for years but I feel one comming on.