96/22 New to me… Questions

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Dec 25, 2024
Hello. New member here and first post.

I just picked up a new to me 96/22 LR and see by the serial number it was made in 1996. Does anyone know how many of the LR were made total and how many were made in 1996?

Also, is there any tips or tricks I should know about assembly, disassembly, cleaning or operating? Maybe home gunsmithing I can do to improve the trigger pull, accuracy or just anything?

Thanks in advance!
There is an auction local to me upcoming with a 96/22wmr on January 18th . Look at (paauctioncenter.com) if anyone's interested . Online bidding thru several platforms as well as in person . They do shipping to your ffl for a fee. They are reputable as I have bought quite a number of guns from them since they began their monthly Saturday firearms only auction. I have gotten some super buys and have seen guns sell way high . The gun is # 127 on The list . I know these 96s don't come up for sale often . I looked for a few years to buy the ones I own 😉
I had one in .22WMR. After about the third slam fire I sent it back to Ruger. They couldn't find anything wrong with it. Trigger was so hard I thought the safety was on. Accuracy was non existent. Sorry to sound so negative but that was just my experience. I have a set of Williams peep and fiber optic front for the 96 in the package if you're interested I'll gift you-Dave
Yeah sure would have made a good woods varmint gun in 22 mag. Power curve of the mag seemed to be a problem. Savage has the A-22M with that delayed bolt which sounds like a good improvement through the reviews I read but not always 100%

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