6.8 spc

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felix cortinas

Aug 14, 2006
Luling, Texas USA
I got a mini 14 tactical .223 of course, an old mini 14 and a mini 30 and am looking at getting a rifle in 6.8 spc. dont know if I want another mini or a bolt action. I know there will likely be a length of barrel factor, but does anyone have any input on which would be best for a hunting rifle for deer, hogs etc. as far as accuracy, and general practicality.
My son has an AR in 6.8, which I derisively refer to as a ".270 Short". With a fairly light barrel (which he treated with the Tubbs finishing bullets), it shoots 1 to1-1/2 inch groups at 100 yards. Topped with a 2-7 scope, it makes a very respectable deer rifle.

I'd say it's okay for small & medium feral hogs, but if you run into a big one, I'd like something that throws a bigger chunk if lead.
My 6.8 spc Ranch Rifle shoots minute of deer at 100 yds. and I shot my largest deer ever with it last fall - a 9 pointer that went about 250 lbs on the hoof.

It didn't run any more or less than any other deer I've shot (over 30) during 20 years of hunting and I've taken deer with .308, .270, .44 mag, .243, and 7mm-08.

Rifle choices are limited - Remington makes the only bolt I know of - and the only other platforms I've seen are AR's and the Ranch Rifle. Ammo is readily available on-line but I've yet to see it on local retail shelves.

I can't speak to it's effectiveness on hogs but it had no problem taking a big MN buck.

I hope this helps.
Ruger has a bolt in 6.8 listed but I haven't seen one yet.
Must be new for 2010. I haven't seen the new catalog yet or looked at their website in a while. Thanks.
Just brought a 77 Compact in 6.8 home an hour ago!

it is the first one I have seen in a a store and my checkbook now has burn marks on it I got it out so fast.

I heard earlier that the big distibutor Davidsons was only getting two of them and had despaired of one coming my way.

Now to scope it and sight it in.

I also have a Mini 14 in the caliber and a Ruger #1 custom rifle in the works.

Well at least we know it's for real and not like the mini in 308. You know samples only, never any real productions

A gun store in Winchester VA called Stonewall's.

Next thing you know an RSI in 250 Savage will pop up!

felix cortinas":3t9e23yp said:
I got a mini 14 tactical .223 of course, an old mini 14 and a mini 30 and am looking at getting a rifle in 6.8 spc. dont know if I want another mini or a bolt action. I know there will likely be a length of barrel factor, but does anyone have any input on which would be best for a hunting rifle for deer, hogs etc. as far as accuracy, and general practicality.
First, let me say I have a 6.8 Mini and like it very much. It is very accurate (1 to 2 MOA). However, in order to get the most from the 6.8 X 43, I would look closely at the chamber/barrel specs when buying any new rifle in this caliber.

IIRC, the original 6.8 SPC SAAMI chamber design is .050 short on freebore and has resulted in factory ammunition that gives only mediocre performance. The SPCII chamber corrects the design to what was originally intended and allows the use of combat or tactical loads (available from Silver State Armory) or reloads that produce 100 to 200 fps greater velocity without excessive pressure. There's more to the story, like using slower rifling twist rates (1:11 or 12 vs. 1:9.5 or 10), but all this has dramatically improved the performance of the 6.8 round.

The latest example of what can be accomplished with this round is Wilson Combat's 6.8 project. Check it out: http://www.wilsoncombat.com/68project.asp make sure you take a look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. I think they've shot close to 30 hogs so far.
The 6.8 in the SPC II chamber or DMR chamber is really the way to go. I've read many times on the net that the SAAMI 6.8 SPC is dead. Anyone that has it is redoing the throat to 0.100" leade. On another forum there is a pass around reamer that reams out the throat to the SPC II leade. Perfec Union is the forum. AND they are doing it to the Mini-14 with a type of reamer that goes down the muzle end and then you pull back and hand cut the leade with the reamer. I believe it comes from Pacific Tool and Die.

Also, Robinson Amrs www.robarm.com has a rifle in 6.8 with the newer chamber. You WANT the newer chamber as you have a rifle that does achieve very good velocity then.

http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthr ... 958&page=1 over 3300 fps then with the .277 bullet.
Yes! Shooting SAAMI ammo in the chamber is very safe. You only increase the leade in the throat. Kind of like shooting 223 Remington in a rifle chambered for 5.56 NATO (higher pressures). But, you don't really want to fire a lot of 5.56 NATO rounds in a rifle specifically designed to .223 as the pressures are more than it was desinged for. Same with 6.8 SPC II.

Went to the gun show this morning, got there about two hours after they opened. Saw one Mini Tac, several Minis and Ranch Rifles, NO 6.8mms.
I guess i qualify as a 6,8 SPC Ruger loonie.

So far I have a Mini 14, a compact Hawkeye 77, and a Ruger #1 custom job in the works.

The devil made me do it.

Hey 308dave, Newport MN here. Good to know a fellow Ruger nut is close by. Sorry to hijack the thread. Thinking of a 6.8 upper for my AR but shot a 10 point buck 2nd weekend of season with 223 64 gr. Win power point. 1 behind the shoulder and he was down and out.
No worries about hijacking the thread, congrats on the 10 pointer. I know the MN DNR allows the 223 now but I like a little more oomph for deer hunting so went with the new 6.8. Three deer on 3 shots and a finishing shot on a gut shot doe (another member of my party with a 30-30) in 2 seasons. Ammo is available online and I've been able to get what I need for hunting. I love the round and the rifle but it sounds like you're doing okay with your AR - if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
I love my 270 Winchester, how is the recoil of 6.8 out of a bolt gun? Is it similiar to the 270 Winnie or the 243 Winchester or less that both?? I refuse to hunt with a 223 (only reason I did not buy a AR-15). Well I broke down and bought the AR and it has not been unpackaged. (I am sitting in Iraq). So now I am thinking of a buying both bolt and AR upper in this caliber.
Well, how's Iraq?? Thanks for your services to our people!! Don't discount the 6.5 Grendel for the AR platform as well !! 6.5 is a very BC efficient bullet and smacks game very good for terminal ballistics. The 6.5 Grendel set a record of 1.198" 5 shot group at 660 yards. That's a pretty far distance to do such a small group.
My only experience with the 6.8 is semi-auto, but considering the size of the casing - much less capacity than a .270 - I would expect the recoil to be a lot less. A couple of guys have picked up bolt action 6.8's and I'm sure they'll add info soon. The recoil from my Ranch Rifle is almost nonexistent - and at 100 yds (a long shot on my property) it groups 2"-3", good enough for me. Don't know where you're from or where you'll hunt but some states don't allow the .223 (MN just allowed it in 2008) and as mentioned, the 6.5 Grendel might interest you if long range shooting is what you'll be doing. Whichever you choose, stay safe while you're in country and Thanks!

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