480 stainless Bisley

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Jan 27, 2023
Not sure if anyone is interested, but I saw a 480 Bisley on the Atlanta Outdoor Trader last night.
Stainless 6-1/2" I'm pretty sure.
I have no dog in the fight as far as the ad or who owns it.
Price was 2000.00 OBO Which I thought was outrageous.
But I have no idea how rare that model is.
Sorry, I've not figured out how to send a link from my Anderoid tracking device as of yet or I'd post it up.
Seems on the high side to me. I bought a used one in a northern Michigan shop in October for $900. No box but perfect shape. So thinking I hit the low side of pricing! You just dont see them but then again not alot of folks appreciate the great 480 ruger cartridge either!

Nowadays buyers who really want something who can afford to pony up with the buckazoids are gonna do just that. Sellers who list too high can always come down in price but not up after giving someone a great deal.
I bought my 4 5/8" model when they first came out for less that $800. A few years later I decided to get the .454 to match. Lipsey's was already sold out of them so I had to wait for the right one on gunbroker. I paid $1,250 for a NIB one and was happy to have found it. Price is still rising on them, but I don't think they are in the $2K range yet. At least not to me.
I wanted to get a 480 when they came out but I already had a FA 475 so I talked myself out of it. I wish I had gotten a Rossi Model 92 lever action in 480. I got one in 454.
Lipseys' told me they still have 1200 backordered from Ruger, but no delivery date yet. I'm down for one of each length in both 454 and 480. I just hope I get decent ones instead of the parts kit (some machining required) I have seen a few new Rugers coming as.

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