.45 blackhawk 06 model, hammer question

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Nov 16, 2009
Caney Ks.
Hello my fellow Americans,
I purchased this barely used, like new, and noticed when pulling the hammer back, it is a real smooth action like on my security six.
But it takes a little more movement back, to get it fully cocked.
Since there has only been 25 rounds ran through it could it
still not be broke in yet?
Other than that it seems to be a real good revolver.
Any help would be appreciated.
I thought I would ask you gun buffs.
Thanks. Doug, (new member.) :lol:
"But it takes a little more movement back, to get it fully cocked."

It's the nature of the beast. A SA will have a longer "hammer fall" for lack of a better term that a DA handgun of aprox. equal size. There may be some short cocking SA's out there, but my Rugers and Colts aren't.

Nothing to worry about. Just enjoy!
Okay! I feel better now!
Should it free up a little after a lot of use?
Yes the 1980 security six in .357/.38 is a DA
And is well broke in.
Smooth action!
Thanks for the help.
I've never had a gun that didn't slick up with shooting. Cock and pull the trigger catching it before it slams home while you're sitting there watching TV. That's done it for me. Still, nothing beats actually firing the gun. You might want to consider working the action with it unloaded :wink:

I almost passed on a S&W Model 60-4 back in the early to mid 90's because of the rough action. Just by working the action and shooting it the trigger now breaks like an icicle at 2#'s. How sweet it is!
Thanks Cholo,
I will "work with it" while here on the net!
Hope to get out to the range on Friday to practice some!
Welcome to the Forum!
My first thougts were, "he's slow cocking the revolver." Yes, SA's do require a longer cocking radius. Relax & go shooting!

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